Setup and Use Guide for New Customers

Setup and Use Guide for New Customers

Welcome to Tower Systems!

We've prepared for you a list of videos from our Onboarding Video library. It follows the same approach our Installation and Training Specialists when they have are engaged to bring on a new customer.

Sharing it here with you in this way lets you do it yourself if you would prefer. 

Each video also has a link to the Advice Sheet from our Knowledge Base for some more in-depth instructions.

Lets get started!

1. Setup
Address Windows Settings, Installing Retailer, Receipt Printers, Cash Drawer and some Retailer Basics

1.1 Windows Settings for Retailer
      Follow this guide for the correct windows settings on any computer that is going to use Retailer
1.2 Installing and Opening Retailer on your Server
      This video details how to download and install Retailer on your Main Computer. This will be the computer with your Retailer Data on it and will be the computer where you will backup your data at night
1.3 Installing and Opening Retailer on your POS terminal
      POS terminals are any terminals that are not your Server. They can be used for Sales or Admin tasks too. This video is extremely similar to the first one except when you select which computer is the server during the Install process. 
      Learn what cables go where for your Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer. 
      Now set the settings inside Retailer so that the Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer works
      Adding Staff to Retailer
      Setup all the various payment methods you accept. 

2. Stock
      Learn the basics of creating departments, categories, suppliers and stock items

      Form the structure of you stock items and reporting by creating Departments and Categories within those Departments
      Add Suppliers so you know where your stock came from, what their details are and later how they perform
      Learn how to create stock items so that you can start selling

3. Point Of Sale & Customers
Point of Sale from start to finish.

      Address the settings that affect Point Of Sale and how you do things
      Create your own Touch Screen Layout. You don't need a Touch Screen either, just use your Mouse.
      Your first sale!
      Reverse a sale, open the till without processing a sale and looking at how to find past sales.
      Add Customers for cash sales, invoices for account customer and laybys. Customise your Add Customer Screen for an easier experience

4. End Of Day Procedures
You've completed your first day of sales. Now learn how to do an End Of Shift and Backup your Data

      Count your cash, check your EFTPOS and close the day off
      Please ensure you backup your data daily. Check out the available methods.

5. Receiving Stock and Printing Labels
Learn the basics of receiving stock and printing labels

      How to Receiving Stock. You can also create stock items, suppliers, departments and categories throughout this process too!
      Depending on the printer and labels you're using, choose the right one

Where to go from here.
There are more videos to be found in our Onboarding Video Library that cover more advanced functions that may be the natural progression for your business. 

Here are two helpful videos that you should check out to help navigate our website and logging support request to the help desk.
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