Retailer 3.0.9.x Update notes

Retailer 3.0.9.x Update notes

New Features

  1. Dispatch Management
    Schedule and manage your customer deliveries.  Easily see availability and routes using the Google maps integration.  Scheduling is easy and can be done directly from POS.  This is a paid module which costs $49 per month.   
    Dispatch Setup
    Managing Deliveries
    Printing Delivery Sheets 
    Creating Deliveries
  2. Ranked Sales Report
    This report has been re-engineered to be up to 10 times faster.
  3. Reports – Sales By Source breakdown
    Monthly Sales Comparison Report
    Ranked Sales Report
    Option on these reports to see a breakdown of sales by source, this will allow you to compare sales in-store vs your TWC connected website.  These are the first two reports to have this ability and more will be added soon. 
  4. Customer Credit Limits
    You can now set a credit limit on customers that are over a credit terms in days, and not just amount.   You can also send reminders to customers, by text or email, that have exceeded their limits in both days and amount.  Overdue Account Reminder Messages
  5. Static Quantities for stock items
    You now have the ability to set a stock item as a non diminishing, which is perfect non inventoried items like Labour etc.  Just tick 'Static Qty' box on the Other Tab of the Stock screen and the quantity for this item will always remain at 0. 

New Options

  1. Archiver – New option added to Archive Account transactions.  Running this option will speed up statements etc for customers with a long histories, particularly home deliveries.  
  2. Gift Vouchers – Search by Recipient name “Software Idea: 1634”
  3. Point of sale – Assign Customer Details post sale “Software Idea: 1560”.  Simply right click on the Transaction from the F3 Previous sales screen and click on 'Assign Sale To Customer'
  4. POS – Previous Sales\Customer screen add Order Number “Software Idea: 1764” You now have the ability to add an order number to a sale after it had been completed.  Simply right click on the transaction and select the  Delivery Address option to add an Order Number. 
  5. Quote & Invoice management – New status of cancellation “Software Idea: 1608”  - Simply right click on your status bar and click on Cancel Quote.  
  6. Quote & Invoice management – Fixed Prices “Software Idea: 1705” - This option, selected when adding stock to a quote, will lock the price on this item on this quote forever.  It will not be updated with any price changes that occur.
  7. Quote & Invoice management – Pickslip add signature “Software Idea: 1560”
  8. Report – Price Tracking Report – Webstore price has been added to this report.
  9. Report – Layby Report.  Customer Mobile has been added to this report. “Software Idea: 1760”
  10. Stock – Add new option to "Set Webstore = Retail price when adding new items".  To enable this go to Setup --> System --> Stock and tick the option.
  11. Write Off Report – Ability to filter by Supplier/Department/Category “Software Idea: 1590”


  1. Accounting Link – Invoice due date incorrect (30/12/1899) on freight invoices 
  2. Accounting Link – Same day Layby Refunds do not cause a discrepancy 
  3. Customers – Customer Visits field size increase 
  4. Customer Statements – Fixed issue with Saving to PDF and distorting the barcode 
  5. Customer – Subagents recommendations fail to calculate on multi-store 
  6. Discount Vouchers: Expiry date misaligned on POS receipt 
  7. Discount Voucher – Generating for invoices generated via QIM 
  8. Discount Voucher – Not always recognising DISCVOUCHERCATEGORY_ID = 0 
  9. Epay – Set default values 
  10. Events – Searching items with more than 80 characters 
  11. GUI – Main screen – Ability to Pin Backup\Billing screen  “Software Idea: 1703”
  12. Invoice Arrivals – Edit Invoice details not updating item records 
  13. Manufactured Goods – Autobuild combining cost if more than 1 MFG sold 
  14. No Sales – Add Cash to the Till from the Safe not saving description 
  15. Quote & Invoice management – Add Account customer flag to form  
  16. Quote & Invoice management – Add Account customer flag to base receipts  
  17. Quote & Invoice management – Disable/Grey out Order Stock button if no stock to order 
  18. Quote & Invoice management – Not prompting discount when Enable Automatic Ordering is enabled 
  19. Quote & Invoice management – Emailing quote Ex GST regardless of mapping 
  20. Quote & Invoice management – Order fulfillment not occurring 
  21. Order by sales – Multi-store not including Dsaletxn records 
  22. POS – Performance improvements for sites with large daily sale volumes 
  23. POS – Catalogue banner text size 
  24. POS – Delivery Address not saving with (F2) keystroke 
  25. POS Receipts – A4 POS Layby template “Line 8” adjustment 
  26. POS – Previous sale refunds not filtering 
  27. POS – Staff logins not retaining user for sales 
  28. Report – General Debtors – Filtering balances >1000 syntax error 
  29. Report: Stock by age – Negative Invoice arrivals show up as unsold quantities 
  30. Report – Stock Item missing MFG Components 
  31. Report – General Debtors Report Filtering balances >$1000 
  32. Secondhand Goods -Prompting for refund reason 
  33. Security – added 414: Assign Customer Details post sale 
  34. Stock – Freight cost not updating stock file 
  35. Stock Manager – Send List to: Barcode Manager filtering 
  36. Stock Returns – Addition of barcode to “Books Return Form” “Software Idea:”
  37. Utilities – Change Barcode not updating Touch screen buttons 
  38. Utilities – Change Barcode not updating classifications 
  39. Utilities – Importing PDE (CSV) file to stock manager 
  40. Weblink Group Management – Department/Category/Supplier Alphabetical order 
  41. Weblink – Roam export regardless of webstore publish flag

  1. Customer – CUS_VISITS error on newsagent runlists
  2. POS – Refunding non account customer invoices

  1. Delivery Details – Order number restriction to “30 characters”
  2. Multi-Store Order Allocation – Default form size
  3. Quote & Invoice management – Not using delivery address
  4. Quote & Invoice management – Allow Non account customers to pay invoice from QIM
  5. Quote & Invoice management – Update credit limit field length on quote & invoice
  6. POS – Delivery Address hide Scheduling if dispatch disabled
  7. POS – Delivery Details new address hidden + back option
  8. POS – No Sale receipts add defaults using POS template
  9. POS – Refunding account customer invoices causes negatives to be added
  10. Tabcorp Integration – Digital Wallet & Quick tendering
  11. Tabcorp Integration – Customer Display not always updating when scanning/manual input ticket
  12. Weblink – Classification only exporting active ones
  13. Weblink – Export Stock Author
  14. Weblink – Export Static qty in json

  1. Customer – Invoices exact same items and due date to same customer
  2. Customer Statements – Order number not all always displayed when enabled
  3. Dispatch – Events continue to drag around until map is updated
  4. Multi Store – Inter-store transfers are not populating into the Notifications
  5. Multi Store – Inter-store transfers causing increased log file
  6. POS Receipts – Add Invoice balance
  7. POS – Receipt rounding on Total on based unit discounts
  8. POS Receipts – Repair reprint (F12) fatal error
  9. Quote & Invoice management – Enabled Pickslip customer emailing
  10. Weblink – Customer location_key not being populated
  11. Weblink – Disable exports when in outpost mode is enabled

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