The Archiver utility is used to remove old/unwanted information from the database such as sales, invoices and so on. This can help improve the speed of Retailer, particularly in search screens. As this process affects the database in a drastic way, it is imperative that a backup is done beforehand.

For best results in archiving stock, you should perform a stocktake first and follow best practice guidelines to ensure accurate quantity-on-hand values.

To Access the Archiver Function:

  1. From your MAIN/server computer's desktop, double-click on the RetailerV3 Backup icon.
  2. Perform a backup. Click HERE to learn more about performing a backup.
  3. Click on Utilities -> Archiver.
  4. Confirm that you have performed a backup. If you have not performed a backup, click No and perform a backup before proceeding. 

Archive Invoices

This function is used to archive invoices that are arrived into Retailer through Invoice Arrivals / Express Arrivals.

To Archive Invoices:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Invoices.
  2. In Archive Invoices Older Than, select the date you want to archive until. Keep in mind that this process will remove invoices older than this date.
  3. Click Archive Now.

To Restore Archived Invoices:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Invoices.
  2. In Restore Invoices Newer Than, select the date you want to restore from.
  3. In And Older Than, select the date you’d like to restore until. 
  4. Click Restore Now.

Archive Sub Orders (Newsagency Only)

This function is used to archive subagent orders.

To Archive Subagent Orders:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Sub Orders.
  2. In Archive Sub Orders Older Than, select the date you want to archive until. Keep in mind that this process will remove orders older than this date.
  3. Click Archive Now.

To Restore Archived Subagent Orders:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Sub Orders.
  2. In Restore Sub Orders Newer Than, select the date you want to restore from. The system will restore all archived orders after that date.
  3. Click Restore Now.

Remove Customer Orders (Newsagency Only)

This function can be used to remove old customer delivery/putaway orders as well as old stops and starts. 

To Archive Customer Orders:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Remove Customer Orders.
  2. In Orders Older Than __ Months, enter the number of months worth of orders to keep. Orders older than the number of months specified will be archived.
  3. Click on Remove Orders.

To Archive Stops and Starts:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Remove Customer Orders.
  2. In Keep the Most Recent __ Stops and Starts, select the number of stops and starts to keep. Stops and starts older than this will be removed.
  3. Click Remove Stops and Starts.

Archive Old Putaways (Newsagency Only)

This function removes putaways that have been collected or stocktaked.

Click HERE for more information of stocktaking putaways.
To Archive Old Putaways:
  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Old Putaways.
  2. In Archive Putaway Records That Have Been Collected or Stocktaked and are Older Than, select the date you’d like to archive from. The system will remove all putaways before and including this date.
  3. Click Archive Now.

To Restore Archived Putaways:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Old Putaways.
  2. In Restore Records Newer Than, select the date you want to restore from.
  3. In And Older Than, select the date you want to restore until.
  4. Click Restore Now.

Archive Sales

This function removes transactions with sale-stamps beginning with S. In other words, only over-the-counter sales will be archived. Invoice sales, order charges, laybys and so on will not be archived as they affect customer balances. For taxation purposes, you will need to keep at least a year's worth of sales.

To Archive Sales:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Sales.
  2. In Archive Sales Older Than and Including, select the date you want to archive until. Keep in mind that this process will remove sales up to and including this date.
  3. Click Archive Now.

To Restore Archived Sales:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Sales.
  2. In Restore Sales Newer Than and Including, select the date you want to restore from.
  3. In And Older Than and Including, select the date you want to restore until.
  4. Click Restore Now.

Remove Receipts

This function removes previews of receipts from the Previous Sales screen. Once archived, the receipts can be re-created in the Previous Sales screen, if required.

To Archive Receipts:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Remove Receipts.
  2. In Please Enter the Date to Remove Receipts Before, select the date you want to archive until.
  3. We recommend selecting 2 months worths.
  4. Click OK.

Archive Stock

This function removes old stock items that meet the criteria shown on the screen. 
Because archiving stock excludes stock that has been arrived or sold, for best results you should archive old invoices and sales before archiving stock.

To Archive Stock:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Stock.
  2. The criteria for archiving is listed on the left. 
  3. In Was Entered Over __ Months Ago, enter the number of months for which the items were created in the system. Items added before the specified number of months will be archived.
  4. Click on Archive Now.

To Restore Archived Stock:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Stock.
  2. In Restore, select between restoring:
    • A single archived stock item - Select the stock item after clicking Restore Now
    • All archived stock items 
    • All stock from a department - Select the department in the drop-down box.
  3. Click the magnifying glass icon next to View Archived Stock Items to view the stock that is to be restored.
  4. Click Restore Now.

Remove Old Stock Issues (Newsagency Only)

This function removes old issues/child items of magazines and newspapers from your stock file. It is useful to run each year so that you don’t have issues from prior years, which can slow down the returns process.

This is not reversible.

To Archive Old Stock Issues:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Remove Old Stock Issues.
  2. In Number of Issues to Keep, enter the number of issues/child items to keep. The system will keep the number of issues selected and remove all issues prior. 
  3. Click Remove Old Stock Issues.

Archive Audit Log Details

This function removes audit log details. For information about the Audit Log, please contact Tower Systems.

To Archive Audit Log Details:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Audit Log Details.
  2. In Archive Records Older Than, select the date you’d like to archive until. This process will remove audit log entries older than this date.
  3. Click Archive Now.

To restore audit log details:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Audit Log Details.
  2. In Restore Records Newer Than, select the date you want to restore from.
  3. In And Older Than, select the date you want to restore until.
  4. Click Restore Now.

Archive Supplier Orders

This function removes older orders from Orders Maintenance.
To Archive supplier orders
  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Orders
  2. In Achive Orders older then, select the date you want to archive until
  3. Click Archive now

To restore supplier orders:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Orders
  2. In Restore Order Newer Than, select the date you want to restore from.
  3. In And Older Than, select the date you want to restore until.
  4. Click Restore Now.

Archive Customer Transactions

This function removes transactions from customer accounts, including invoices, payments, credits, order charges & balance adjustments. It will only remove transactions with a current balance of $0. For taxation purposes, you must keep a year's worth of transactions.
To Archive Customer Transactions
  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Customer Transactions
  2. In Archive Sales older than, select the date you want to archive until
  3. Click Archive now

To restore Customer Transactions:

  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Archive Customer Transactions
  2. In Restore Sales Newer Than, select the date you want to restore from.
  3. In And Older Than, select the date you want to restore until.
  4. Click Restore Now.

Remove Inactive Customers

This function removes old customer accounts that do not have any owing balances. 
Unlike other archiver functions, removed customer accounts cannot be restored. They will be permanently deleted.
To Delete Inactive Customers:
  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Remove Customer
  2. In Customer Start Date, set a date for the time when the customer was created. Only customers created before this date will be removed.
  3. In Customer Last Visit Date, set a date for the time when the customer most recently had a transaction on their account (Sale, layby, account payment etc). Only customers who have not used their account since before this date will be removed.
  4. In Multibuy Accrual Expiry, set a date for the time when the customer's multibuy accruals expired. Only customers who have not had any valid multibuy accruals on their account more recently than this date will be removed. If you do not use multibuy accruals, leave this date as today's date.
  5. Click Load Customer. The list will populate with customers that meet the criteria you entered above.
  6. Tick the customers you wish to delete, or alternatively click Select All
  7. Click Delete Customer to permanently remove all the selected customers from your database.

Remove Sale Balance

This functions removes old allocation records, of how payments and credits are allocated against invoices and charges.
It does not remove the actual payment, credit or sale transactions, just the record of how allocations were made.

To Archive Customer Sale Balance Allocations:
  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Remove Sale Balance.
  2. In Archive Balances older than, select the date that you wish to archive until.
  3. Click Archive Now.

To Restore Customer Sale Balance Allocations:
  1. In the Archiver screen, click on Remove Sale Balance.
  2. In Restore Balance newer than, select the starting date you want to restore from.
  3. In And Older than, select the end date that you want to restore until.
  4. Click Restore Now.