Overdue Account Reminder Messages

Overdue Account Reminder Messages

The Overdue Account Messages screen lets you manually send reminder messages via SMS or email to selected customers with overdue invoices on their account.
For information about setting up an SMS Account, click HERE.
For information about setting up Retailer to send emails, click HERE.
The due date of an invoice is determined by the Aging Type of the customer, which can be changed from the Customer screen in the Other tab.
For more information about aging types, click HERE.

Enable Email / SMS alerts for Overdue Accounts

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Tasks -> SMS Message Alerts. If you cannot see this option in the menu, contact Tower support.
  2. Click Notification Settings.
  3. Under Customer Messages, tick the appropriate box next to Overdue Account.
  4. Close this window and the previous window.

Sending Overdue Account Reminder Messages

From the main screen of Retailer, go to Customers -> Overdue Accounts -> Reminder Messages -> Overdue Account Reminders.
The Options section contains a number of ways to filter customers whom will receive reminders:
  1. Ticking Only include transactions that have appeared on a statement will ensure that customers only receive a reminder if their overdue invoice previously appeared on a statement.
  2. Ticking Only include transactions with due date prior to allows you send reminders to customers who had overdue invoices at the time of the selected date.
  3. Click Selected Account Categories to limit your reminders to customers within the chosen account categories.
  4. Click Selected Customers if you wish to send reminders to a specific range of customers 
    1. In the first box, hit [enter] to choose a specific customer to add to the list.
    2. Enter customer numbers in both boxes to create a list of all customers with numbers inside that range.
    3. Press Clear List to delete your customer selections and start over.
In the next section, you can change the text of the reminder to be sent via SMS or email by clicking the appropriate tab and editing the text.
Click Add Fields to insert variables like [CUSTOMER NAME] which will automatically change to the appropriate name / value for the customer receiving the reminder.

Finally, when you are ready to send the reminders click Send SMS Reminders or Send Email Reminders. A list of all the customers about to receive an SMS/email will appear. Click Send Overdue SMS or Send Overdue Email to confirm this list and send the reminders.

If the Send SMS Reminders or Send Email Reminders button is not visible, you need to enable email / SMS alerts for overdue accounts. This process is outlined in the section above.

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