The FindIt Marketplace operates through the Tower Web Connect integration so customers who have an existing website linked to Retailer will be familiar with the steps and settings. This can also be a good entry point for customers who don't have a website themselves and are looking to see how some of the process works.
Existing Website using TWC
2. Inside Retailer, click on Tasks -> Weblink Full Sync and wait 10 minutes.
3. After 10 minutes, click on Stock Maintenance -> Group Management.
4. Select the FindIt Marketplace option on the left and click the Add button at the bottom.
5. Set your criteria for the FindIt Marketplace group and click Save. This can be the same as your existing website.
6. Retailer will generate a stock file for FindIt within the next 10 minutes and start syncing products.

The time to complete a full sync depends on how much stock you've flagged to go through.
No Existing Website using TWC
2. Open Retailer Backup on the main/server computer.

This is the computer that needs to be on for Retailer to work on any other computer.
3. Click on Settings -> Database Settings -> Tick 'Run Random on Startup' -> Click Install WebLink Service.

A pop-up box will appear letting you know that the service has started. If the message says that the service couldn't be started, wait 15 seconds and try again. If it still does not work after that then please contact Tower Systems on 03 9524 8000 or email Wait 1 minute and open Retailer.
5. Click on Stock Maintenance -> Group Management.
6. Select the FindIt Marketplace option on the left and click the Add button at the bottom.
7. The default criteria is any stock enabled to be a 'Web Store Item' will be exported over to FindIt. You can add additional criteria by dragging the top buttons into the numbered rule line if you wish.
8. Click the Save button and Retailer will generate a stock file for FindIt within the next 10 minutes and start syncing products across for you.
Products and Sync Management
You can see all your exported products in the FindIt vendor panel.

Only products with an image, web description and positive quantity on hand level will be displayed on the front end.
You can check your sync progress on the Tower Web Connect site. There will be a specific connection for the FindIt Marketplace.
Web description and images
The FindIt Marketplace requires all products to have at least an image and a web description. You can do this either manually or consider using some of our integration tools to assist you with this process.

HERE on how to set up web descriptions and images.

HERE on how to use ChatGPT to write product descriptions.

HERE on how to use Barcode Lookup to pre-fill stock details.

HERE on how to quickly remove backgrounds from your stock images.
Bulk uploading products for FindIt
If this is your first time listing products online then you can read our advice sheets about using the Stock Manager to make this process more efficient. The specific setting you want to tick is called Web Store Item. For images, you can use the bulk image import function.

HERE on making bulk changes through Stock Manager.

HERE on how to use filters in Stock Manager.

HERE on how to import images in bulk.
Editing your FindIt vendor details
To edit your store details, click on your name at the top left and select Store info. This will allow you to put in details such as the store logo, description and website URL to redirect customers back to your own website.