Always perform a backup before making changes in the Stock Manager
Filters can be applied to columns in Stock Manager to refine the results of a Search.
Search For Stock Items
first step involves performing a search of your stock database based on
parameters such as department, supplier, classifications and so on.
This uses the Advanced Stock Search function.
- If the Stock Manager grid contains stock items, click on Remove -> Remove All . This will clear the grid and ensure that unwanted items are not included in the search.
- Click on Search .
In the Advanced Stock Search screen, select the options required for the stock items to search for. Click
HERE to learn more about Advanced Stock Search.
NOTE : To select all stock items, type * in the Keywords box.
- Click Search . The Stock Manager grid will now display all stock items based on the search criteria.
It is a good idea to hide columns in Stock Manager that you don't need to see to maximise screen space for other columns. Click the orange * icon in the far left corner of the column header row.
Filtering by column
- Start by clicking the Select button and Select None.
To filter a column, hover the mouse over the column name and click the Filter icon (funnel Y) that appears.

NOTE: Filters will hide items that are not relevant, but the items are technically still on the list. For best results, untick all items before applying filters.
- A list of values will appear. You can tick multiple values to filter for specific values (i.e. Department Names, certain dates, exact price), blank/nonblank values, or click Custom for a custom filter.
- Two Custom Filter options can be set per column.
- AND: Both filters must apply for an item to be in the Stock Manager list
- OR: Either or both filter(s) must apply for an item to be in the Stock Manager list
- Once a filter is applied, click Select then Select All to select all filtered items. The Filter can then be removed by clicking the X next to the filter at the bottom of Stock Manager.
- The selected items can then be edited by clicking the Edit Selected button at the top of Stock Manager. See this advice sheet on making bulk edits in Stock Manager
Useful filters
Negative Stock Quantities
Qty on Hand column with custom filter of Is less than 0
Dead Stock
Last Sold Date column with custom filter of Less than (choose a date 6-12 months ago), with
Qty on Hand column custom filter Is greater than 0, and
Date Last Arrived Is Less than (choose a date 6-12 months ago)
Web Price of $0
Web Store Item column, tick box marked 1 , and
Web Price column, tick box marked 0
Negative Pricing and Barcode added in Price
For each of the Cost Ex, Cost Inc, Sell, RRP, Trade, Web columns, click the column name to sort by that column.
Press the Home button on keyboard to go to top of list. This will show the lowest prices, starting with any that are negative.
Press the End button on keyboard to go to the bottom of the list. This will show items with the highest prices, including items that may have had a barcode accidentally scanned into the price field.
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