Reporting on Web Sales

Reporting on Web Sales

Itemise Instore/External Source Report Option

The Following Retailer Reports can be run to show only Web Sales or to compare Instore and Online Sales.

When running the report, look for the Itemise Instore/External Source option.
In the Group Source list, you can filter the report to only show sales from a particular source (ie. Web Sales only).
With All Sources selected, the Report will provide a breakdown comparing Instore vs External Source Sales

Filter Sales by Staff Initial

In addition, if you have Tower Web Connect set to import sales to Retailer using a particular Staff Initial (ie 'WEB'), other reports can be used that allow you to filter sales made by a particular Staff Member.

Search in Previous Sales by Source

In the Previous Sales Screen, look for the Source drop down box in the bottom right corner.
Select a Source from the list, select any other criteria, then click Search Now
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