The Sales Transaction Log can be used to show all your previous transactions for the date range specified, which can be further separated based on transaction type, staff member, terminal used and payment type.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports > Sales Reports > Sales Transaction Log
  2. Report Date Range:
    • Select the Start Date - This will be the Start Date of the report
    • Select the End Date - This will be the End Date of the report
  3. Summary details:
    • This section gives you the option to just show sales totals and dates or stock items included in the sale.
  4. Discount details:
    • This gives you the option to show sales that are discounted or not discounted or both types.
  5. Options:
    • Terminals, select the POS machine you want to run the report on or select all terminals.
    • Staff, choose a selected staff member to run a report on their sales or select All Staff.
  6. Payment Type Setting:
    • This will allow you to choose a payment type you want to look at, whether it's a specific payment type or all payment types.
  7. Select Transaction Types to Include:
    • Sales types included on the report. Untick or tick the type of sale you wish to include.
  8. Click Preview or Print.

Reading the Report

  • Stamp - this is the sale number recorded within Retailer
  • Staff -  if Retailer has been enabled to enter initials for sales, this column would have staff initials
  • Date - identifies the particular day within the period
  • Time - time that the sale was processed
  • Sale Type - what kind of transaction this sale was (e.g. sale, invoice, order charge, delivery fee)
  • Terminal - this shows what computer the sale was done on
  • Cust - shows the customer number
  • Rounding - how much the original sale was rounded up or down by (e.g. $12.99 > $13, 1c profit)
  • Discount - discount applied on a sale
  • Amount Ex GST - how much the sale was without GST
  • GST - how much GST is included in the sale
  • Amount Inc GST - how much the sale was with GST

On the last page, you will have the Sales Summary and Payment Type Totals. The Sales Summary shows you the totals for different types of sales and Payment Type Totals shows totals for each payment type.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.