10 x 10 Stock Item Analysis Report

10 x 10 Stock Item Analysis Report

The 10 x 10 report is an extremely useful tool when trying to increase the size of your basket sales. Through this report you will see exactly what stock items sell with other stock items and from this you will be able to leverage upsell opportunities.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on  Reports  ->  Sales Reports  ->  10 x 10 Stock Item Analysis Report .
  2. In Date Range, select the  Start Date  and  End Date  for the report.
  3. In Items To Show: 
    • Number of Ranked Items  - The number of items to show on the report.
    • Number of Sold With Items  - The number of items to show that were sold with the ranked items.
  4. In Stock to Include, choose between:
    • Include All Stock Items
    • Only Include Stock From A Particular Supplier/Group Source
    • Only Include Stock From A Particular Department/Category/Group Source
  5. In Report Order, choose between:
    • Rank On Quantity Sold
    • Rank On Total Sales Amount ($)
    • Rank On Gross Profit ($)
    • Rank On Gross Profit (%)
    • Rank On Number Of Sales
  6. In Other Options:
    • Only Show Sold With Items From The Selected Suppliers // Departments/Categories  - If ticked, the Sold With Items will be filtered to only include those from the selected supplier or department/category.
    • Show Quantity On Hand Summary
    • [Newsagency Only] Exclude Home Delivery & Subagent Orders
    • Exclude Agency  - If ticked, items in agency departments will not be shown.
    • Hide GP Information
    • Participate in Bench Marking  - If ticked, a file will be generated and sent to be used for industry benchmarking purposes. 
    • Hide Total Value
  7. In Page Orientation, choose between printing the report in landscape or portrait.
  8. In Report Listing Options, choose between:
    • Show Stock Items  - Shows information for individual stock items.
    • Show Departments Only  - Shows results by departments, instead of individual stock items.
    • Summarise Stock Items (By Category) In the Selected Departments Below  - Shows results by category for stock items within the departments selected. Alternatively, you can click Select All to choose all departments.
  9. Click  Preview  or  Print .

Reading The Report

You will see the following columns in the report:

  • Ranking  - Each item main item is separated into a separate field with a large ranking number followed by the ranking of the items sold with the main item.
  • Barcode, Supplier Stock Code, Description  – Identifies the actual item sold, if you see department sale items in this list it means you can’t identify the specific items sold only that it was a sale from that department. Department sales are sale where you enter the price of an item at point of sale using a keyboard or touch screen button rather than scanning the products barcode.
  • Quantity Sold  – The amount of that item sold in the time frame selected
  • Total Value  - The total Retail value of items sold in the time frame selected. Note this is Retail Excluding GST
  • Gross Profit  – Gives you the gross profit in dollar value and percentage
  • Nbr Of Sales Containing This Item  – This is the total number sales where this item was sold in the time frame selected.
  • Note:  this will be different to the quantity sold. If a customer purchases 2 of an item in a sale, that is counted as 1 sale containing that item.
  • Nbr Of Sales  – This is the percentage of sales of the main item which contained this ranked item
  • Sold Alone  – This shows the details for the item when it was sold only on its own in a sale containing no other items.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.

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