Verifying / Reconciling Xero link export

Verifying / Reconciling Xero link export

The easiest way to reconcile is using the Exported Accounting Entries report that is produced when exporting to Xero. The values on this report should match the sales invoice in Xero.
Note: some values with GST will display as ex-GST in Xero.

To access previous reports:
  1. On the computer that you do the exports on, open Retailer.
  2. In the menu at the top, click on Reports > Restore archived reports > Explorer.
  3. Double click on Accounting.
The date will be in the filename. E.g. Accounting_Entries_20220718111520.pdf - the number is YYYYMMDD so this file is 2022/07/18

Potential complications 

Retailer will export from one end of shift to the next, all reports (apart from end of shift reports) will report by date. If sales are processed after the end of shift has been done for that day, they will appear on the next day's Xero exports but not on other reports, so it won't be possible to directly reconcile. On the Exported Accounting Entries report, you can see the time period that the sales cover and compare this to the Sales Transaction log.
For more information on the Sales Transaction Log, click HERE
The End of Shift and Xero export are created at a point in time.  If data has been changed since the export or end of shift was performed (eg. Deleting transactions), reports in Retailer will be updated to reflect this changed or deleted data.  However, the accounting export data will potentially have unbalanced figures due to something extra appearing or something removed.
You can use the audit log to check for deleted transactions. Given the sensitive nature of the audit log, a manager or owner can contact support for the advice on using the audit log.


The takings reconciliation report from the end of shift will show the cash amount counted. Any difference between the expected cash and counted cash will be put in the discrepancy account.  
For more information on end of shift reports, click HERE
The expected cash value is the total of cash entered for the day with sales or No Sales transactions; this total can also be found on the Sales Transaction Log.
For more information on the Sales Transaction Log, click HERE


The Takings Reconciliation report from the end of shift will show the total of all cheques. To see a breakdown of the cheques, you can use the banking sheet.
For how to use the banking sheet, click HERE

EFTPOS and other Paytypes

The Takings Reconciliation report from the end of shift will show the total of EFTPOS; other payment types may appear in the other sections. You can use the Sales Transaction Log; on the last page it will show the breakdown of paytypes for the day.
InfoFor more information on the Sales Transaction Log, click HERE

Customer Invoices

This is the total of customer invoices/charges minus credits. This is broken down at the end of the Sales Transaction Log as Invoice and Invoice Credit.

Customer Payments

This is the total of customer payments. This is broken down at the end of the Sales Transaction Log as Customer Payment.


Sales are grouped based on the Xero account they are sending to; if they are sending to the same account they will be grouped in one amount. Xero link will only export laybys as sales once the layby is completed so the sales total may appear lower until layby completion. This also means that on days when laybys are completed, the sales total may be higher than expected. You can use the Detailed Takings report and ensure the Treat Laybys as Sales on Date Completed option is selected.
InfoFor more information on the Detailed Takings Report, click HERE

Cost of Sales

This is at the bottom of the Exported Accounting entries. Like sales, this will be grouped based on the Xero account they are sending to. To check this, you can use the Detailed Takings report and ensure the Treat Laybys as Sales on Date Completed option is selected. Write-offs will also be posted here; you can use the write-off report to check these.
InfoFor more information on the Detailed Takings Report, click HERE
InfoFor more information on the Write-off Report, click HERE

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