The Bank Copy of the Banking Summary lists all cheques and the cash total so you use this as a deposit slip to take to the bank while the Shop Copy lists similar information to the Bank Copy, however, this also gives you a summary of any Electronic payment methods, as well as No Sales performed during the day.

This report can be automatically produced during your end of shift routine or alternatively you can run it from the Tasks menu at the top of your Retailer window.

To enable this report on your End of Shift click HERE

To Run this report manually follow the steps below.

  1. From the Main Screen of Retailer, go to Tasks –> Daily Tasks –> Print Banking Sheet.
  2. Choose the date range for the report, you can print a Banking Sheet for a particular day by selecting the same start and end dates, or you can run it for an extended period if needed.
  3. Choose what options you want displayed on the report.
    1. Add cheques to banking sheet or alter cash total allows you to add extra cheques or cash that were not entered through Retailer that may need to be banked.
    2. Produce a banking sheet for the bank or shop lets you choose to print both or the banking sheets or just one
  4. Choose which terminals to run the report for, this allows you to select between running the Summary for all machines or a selected one.
  5. Click print to send the report straight to your printer or Preview to display the report on screen.