Write-Off Report

Write-Off Report

The write-off report produces a list of stock that has been written off during a given date-range.
Click HERE for more information on writing off stock.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports > Stock Reports > Write-Off Report
  2. Date Range - Select a start date and end date for the report to cover
  3. Select Reasons
    • Select All - All write-offs appear on the report regardless of reason
    • Selected - Tick the reasons you wish to appear on the report
  4. Select Departments Tab:
    • Select All  - Shows stock from all departments/categories.
    • Selected - Tick the departments you want included in the report. By clicking the arrow next to a department, you can expand its categories and further narrow down the included stock by category.
    • Include stock not in a Category - Tick this box to include stock from the selected departments that has not been assigned a category
  5. Select Suppliers Tab:
    • Select All  - Shows stock from all suppliers
    • Selected - Tick the suppliers you want included in the report.
  6. Stock Tags - Select a tag from the drop down box and click the + symbol to add a tag. The report will only include stock that has one of the selected tags. To search for a specific tag, hit the ... symbol to bring up the tag searcher. You can remove a tag by hovering over it and then clicking the x symbol. If you do not select any tags, all stock will be included.
  7. Order By - Change the sorting order of items on the report
    • Date - Order by date stock was written off.
    • Write Off Reason - Order by reason for write off.
  8. Show Serial Numbers - Report will display the serial numbers of written off stock.
Click Preview or Print to generate the report.

Reading the Report

  1. Date - Date stock was written off
  2. Staff ID - Staff initials entered when stock was written off
  3. Stock Description - The name of the stock item
  4. Barcode - Barcode of the stock item
  5. Reason - The reason chosen for writing off the stock
  6. Quantity - Number off that item written off
  7. GST Credit - The total GST on the cost price of the items
  8. Cost Inc. - Cost price of items written off including GST
The totals of all stock written off during the given date range are displayed at the bottom of the report.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:

  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.

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