Often you need to use stock from your store in the office or behind the counter (eg. sticky tape, paper for the printer, etc). The Write-Off Stock functionality of Retailer allows you to accurately modify the quantity on hand of stock that you use in the shop and track how it is being used. It can also be used to write off damaged or expired goods.

To access the Write-Off Stock screen from the Main Screen of Retailer, go to Stock Maintenance -> Write-Off Stock.

Creating or removing write-off reasons

When you write off stock you will need to choose a reason from a drop down list of choices. To add reasons, click the gear button in the top right of the window, then click the plus symbol. Type a write-off reason into the column on the left and hit the tick button to save. Some examples of write-off reasons you could add are 'Damaged' or 'Expired'.
If you use integrated accounting software like Xero, you will also need to enter an account number for each write-off reason.
In the list of reasons in this window, you can click the checkbox in the deleted column to remove a reason from the choices offered. To re-enable the reason simply untick the box again. Ticking this box does not undo write-offs you have done in the past.

Writing off an item

  1. Select the date for the write-off. This defaults to today’s date.
  2. Scan the barcode of the item in the field below the grid. You can also enter a PLU or press Enter to choose the item.
  3. You will see the description, cost price and current quantity on hand of the item.
  4. In Write-Off Quantity, enter the number of this item that you used in the store.
  5. For Write-Off Reason, select one of the options in the dropdown list. If the option you want isn’t shown, you can press Insert on the keyboard to add a new one.
  6. In Write-Off Note, you can optionally add a note explaining why the item was written off.
  7. When you’re finished, click ‘Save Write-Off’.

You can use this screen to see what write-offs occurred on a given day by simply changing the date at the top. The grid will update to show write-offs performed on that day. To read the notes that were left on a write-off, click the note icon next to the desired 

You can also use the Delete Write-Off button on the top right to delete a selected write-off if a mistake was made when entering it.

Reporting on Write-Offs

There is a Write-Off Report available from Reports -> Stock Reports -> Write-Off Report.

Click HERE for more information on the Write-Off Report.