End Of Shift Reports

End Of Shift Reports

You can choose which reports to print in the End of Shift setup screen.

Click HERE to learn more about End of Shift setup.

Daily Sales Summary

This report gives you handy information to analyse your day's trading by department, along with a comparison to the average for that day of the week.

 It's important to note that, as stated on the top right of the report, all of these figures are ex GST unless indicated otherwise.

In this example, the best selling department for this day was Furniture, with 29 items sold. The total discounts applied to items in this department were $91.81, with $1124.36 of sales (ex GST). The average sale total for the Furniture department (calculated from the past 10 Fridays) was $627.15,  representing a 79% increase in sale for this day in comparison to the average.

Some Store may notice their departments broken up into different groups, each with a sub total:

  • Retail means over the counter sales.
  • Non-Retail means order charges (newspaper billing) and delivery fees, as well as subagent charges and credits.
  • Agency means the department has been identified as containing commission-earning products rather than a simple cost + markup items. The Agency Department setting is located in Stock Maintenance -> Suppliers & Departments.

At the end of the department breakdown are the accumulated totals for each column, any rounding involved, then a complete total. The Total after Rounding figure for the Sales Total Ex GST column represents the total value of your sale/invoice/layby transactions for the day.
Note: The Rounding amount shown above is the total rounded for cash sales. There may be other rounding happening during calculations of sales that are not shown here, and may cause it to differ/deviate from other sales report totals. This shouldn't be a big amount and is normal.

Another interesting area of information is the Top 5 Stock Items.

On the left you'll see the Top 5 Stock Items by Qty Sold, which looks at the total quantity of each item sold during the day, rank them highest to lowest, and shows you the top 5 results. On the right, you will see a similar set of information, however it's ranked on the total dollar value of the items rather then the quantity sold.

Number of Customers through shop, the number of sales performed during the day

Number of New Customer through shop, new customers added to Retailer who also bought something.

Average Sale Amount Ex, total sales value ex GST divided by the number of sales.

Adjustment Report

The adjustment Summary section of this report lists the results of any sales adjustments made during the day, such as deleted sales or undoing customer/subagent billing.

The Details Adjustment Report gives you a department breakdown of the adjustment, identifying exactly which departments were affected, the number of items in each department and the value of the adjustment.

Banking Summary - Bank Copy

The Bank Copy of the Banking summary lists all cheques and the cash total so you use this as a deposit slip to take to the bank. 

Banking Summary - Shop Copy

The Shop Copy of the Banking Summary lists similar information to the Bank Copy, however also give you a summary of any Electronic payment methods, as well as a summary of No Sales performed during the day.

Takings Reconciliation

This report is the most important of report in end of shift as it tracks your cash and identifies potential theft threats.

The first section is the Register Reconciliation. This lists each of your terminal, the Cash Total and and Non-Cash Total of their transactions (which are combined into a Net Taking figure), the opening float, and either a Takings or a Takings + Opening Float figure (depending of the Include Float When Counting Notes and Coins setting see End Of Shift Setup)

The Cash Reconciliation section breaks down the cash count performed during the End of Shift.

The Variance shown here is key. This figure needs to be as close to zero as possible.

If there is a positive variance, you have counted more cash then Retailer was expecting. Some possibilities are:

  • the cash wasn't counted correctly during the EOS
  • a customer was short-changed
  • a customer forgot to collect their EFTPOS cash-out
  • a no-sale was performed but the cash wasn't removed

There are a number of reasons this could occur, so it's best to recheck all the cash counting.

If there is a negative variance, you haven't counted enough cash to correlate with the sale you have performed. Some possibilities are:

  • the cash wasn't counted correctly during the EOS
  • the float left from the previous night was incorrect
  • a cheque or EFTPOS transaction was entered as cash (more difficult to do with integrated EFTPOS)
  • cash has been moved to the safe without a no-sale being performed
  • cash has been stolen

There are a number of reasons this could occur, so it's best to re-check all of the cash counting and re-check the payment type of all non-cash sales.

The Non Cash Reconciliation groups your sale by payment type (based on the type selected in Setup -> General -> Pay Types), excluding Cash. This is useful to cross-check your EFTPOS machine's settlement report (to ensure that all transactions put through as EFTPOS have been processed in Retailer as EFTPOS as well). Also useful cross-check cheques (if you don't use the Banking Summary).

The Account Reconciliation section breaks down into totals for Invoice/Laybys/Orders (which also includes customer and subagent billing), payment (which cover accounts payments, layby payments, repair payments etc etc), and credits (such as invoice credits and layby credits). These are subtracted from each other to give you an Account Total.

The No Sales Reconciliation section breaks down into two sections, grouped by cash being added to the till and cash being removed from the till. These are subtracted from each other to give you a Total No Sales figure. Look at the Banking Summary (Shop Copy) for details of these transactions.

 The Daily Reconciliation adds the above sections together, resulting in a Daily Sales total. This total represents the total transactions for the period (based on the date range at the top of the report), regardless of the transaction type or the payment method. Use this Daily Sale figure, along with your Sales Total Ex GST and Average variance from the Daily Sales Summary to keep track of how your business if performing.

Price Tracking

This Report will show stock items where the price has changed since the last end of shift

  • Barcode – Lists the Department/Category and the barcode of each stock item with a changed price.
  • Description – Shows the description (or name) of the item
  • Date – Shows the date that the price was changed
  • Supplier – Shows the supplier of the stock items being analysed
  • SSC – Shows the Supplier Stock Code for each applicable item
  • Terminal – Shows which POS terminal was used to make the price change.
  • Retailer Module – Shows where the price was changed within Retailer.
  • Reference – Describes certain price changes within Retailer.

  • Stock Listing

    This report shows a list of all Stock On Hand by Department & Category

    Staff Comparison

    This report compares the sales performance of staff members during the shift. See HERE for details on reading the report

    Detailed Sales

    This Report will show sales by Department or Individual Stock Items sold by Department during the shift.
    Click the Options button to set report parameters

    Reading the Report

    1. Description – Lists stock items sold (if ticked in setup) and their respective departments
    2. No. Of Items – Shows how many items have been sold per stock item and in each department
    3. Unit Cost - Unit Cost Price of each stock item sold. Takes Average if Cost Price has changed during shift
    4. Total Cost – Lists the total cost price of all sales per stock item and in each department
    5. Unit Sell Price - Unit Sell Price of each stock item sold. Takes Average if Sell Price has changed during shift
    6. Total Sales – Shows the total sale price of all sales per stock item and in each department
    7. Total GP – Lists the total amount of profit made per stock item and from each department
    8. Total GP % - Shows the amount of profit made as a percentage of the sale price per stock item and from each department
    9. The data at the bottom demonstrates totals for each respective column and includes information about GST and rounding

    Reprinting End of Shift Reports

    Click HERE for instructions on reprinting End of Shift reports.

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