- Subagent statements BEFORE subagent billing.
- Generate orders BEFORE arriving magazines.
Most subagent issues are caused by performing these actions out of order.

For help with common problems with magazine arrivals, click
HEREThe Total Outstanding and Aged Totals on my Subagent Statements don't Match
Remember, you need to do your subagent statements BEFORE you do your subagent billing.

You cannot re-generate subagent statements by simply changing the End-of-Week date to a previous week.
If you need to reprint a statement, you can click the View PDF button in Customers->Subagent Statements. Click the date modified column header to order the PDFs by date.
If you need to correct a mistake that appeared on a subagent statement, you will need to undo subagent billing for the week first. You can do this by going to Customers->Customer Undo->Subagent. Undo the billing for the week, correct your mistake, reprint the statements, then re-do the billing again.
If you need to fix a mistake that happened earlier than last week, you will need to undo billing multiple times. Each time you undo billing it goes back another week; you will need to remember how many weeks you undid, then re-do them all once you have fixed the error. It may be easier to instead perform a balance adjustment on the subagent account and communicate directly with the subagent to explain what has happened.

HERE for a guide to making a balance adjustment.
My Subagents are not being Charged for Weekly Magazine Titles OR Subagent Allocations are Missing from my Magazine Returns Variance
You need to make sure you are generating your subagent orders BEFORE you arrive magazines for Monday. You can manually generate orders by going to Customers->Generate Subagent Orders. Make sure the date shown is for the next week.
Generating orders for the next week is usually done automatically when you run subagent billing, provided the option is ticked in the subagent billing screen. Make sure your billing has not fallen behind; you should be billing for the week just ending. If you don't want to manually generate orders each week, you need to make sure you do your subagent billing BEFORE you arrive Monday's magazines.
Payments/Returns/Credits not Appearing on Statements
They will most likely appear on next week's statement. The billing period of a subagent statement is the week just ended. If a payment was made on Monday it will not show on statements as the statement period ends on Sunday. Returns/credits will always go against the current week. The current week is the week after the week subagents are billed until.
Magazine Returns appearing on the Wrong Week
You either have not completed your subagent billing yet and are a week behind, or have accidentally billed in advance and need to undo the most recent week of billing.
Once you have your billing on the correct week, you will need to manually fix your returns in the subagent orders screen (Customer Screen -> find subagent -> Orders -> All Orders) by deleting the numbers in the returns column for the incorrect week and adding them into the correct week.
A Newspaper is Increasing in Price
You need to make sure to run subagent billing for the previous week BEFORE you update the prices for next week's papers. If you change the prices before you do the previous week's billing, they will be charged the new price a week early.

HERE for a guide to changing Newspaper / Magazine prices.
Correcting an overcharging issue can be difficult; it is better to perform a balance adjustment on the affected subagents' account and communicate to the subagents what has happened.
Subagents are not getting the Statements I Emailed
If none of of your subagents are getting emails, you may need to check your email settings. Follow the link below.
If only some of your subagents are not getting emails, they are most likely getting filtered into junk-mail. Ask the subagent to check their junk/spam folder.

For help setting up your email settings, click
HERECannot print Subagent Dockets

HERE for a guide to troubleshooting subagent dockets
If you have followed the steps in the guide linked above, check that your printer is working ok. Subagent dockets will print to the default printer set by windows.

HERE for help troubleshooting printers.
Subagents will not be Receiving a Title (Public Holidays, Bumper Editions etc.)
If you know in advance that a title will not be arriving - due to public holidays, for example - you should perform a non-arrival.

HERE for a guide to non-arrivals
Correcting an overcharging issue can be difficult; it is better to perform a balance adjustment on the affected subagents' account and communicate to the subagents what has happened.
Subagent Statement/Billing Date Incorrect
This can happen when the subagent billing is performed multiple times accidentally or was not done in the previous week. You will need to use the Customer Undo function to reverse this but be aware that if subagent returns have already been scanned in then they are locked into the current week unless the returns are removed as well and redone on the correct week. It might be easier to let the subagents know that their magazine credits will be delayed by a week.