Magazine title does not match paper invoice

Situation: You have been invoiced for copies of  a magazine e.g. ENGLISH WOMEN'S WEEKLY, but you receive copies of a different magazine, e.g. NEW ZEALAND WOMEN'S WEEKLY, which does not appear on any of your invoices.

Action: Contact the supplier of the magazine. Inform them of what has happened - See the ‘Quick Email Template’ at the end of this document. Usually the supplier will ask you to return the wrong magazines without claiming credits for them, so don’t scan these magazines. The supplier will then either credit your account two copies of the correct magazine or issue replacement stock. If they say they are going to organise replacement stock, hold on to the labels you’ve printed.

Wrong quantity of magazines

Situation: You have been invoiced for 18 copies of FILMINK but you only receive 14 (or none).

Action: Contact the supplier of the magazine (within 24 hours). The supplier should credit the missing titles or send replacements (stock permitting). They will often refuse to do this if you take longer than 24 hours to contact them. Don’t change the invoice details in Retailer, as this will affect your returns. If you are getting a credit, do a manual arrival on a new invoice for a negative quantity of the magazines being credited. So if you expect a credit for 4 copies of FILMINK, do a manual arrival of -4.

Received stock but no invoice

Situation: Your magazines have arrived but you have not been invoiced for the magazines and therefore have no labels.

Action: Log in to the XchangeIT website and locate the missing invoice in ‘Transfer Activity’. Once you find it click on ‘Resend’. If the invoice is not on the XchangeIT website, call the supplier and have them re-send the invoice. You can arrive the  invoice manually but that may cause problems come returns time, so it is preferable to use the EDI invoice.If you do manually arrive the invoice as a last resort, be sure to copy the invoice exactly as it appears on your invoice, including issue codes and descriptions. There is a video on the website showing this process: How To Videos A01: Manual Magazine Arrivals.

Some titles are not queueing labels to Barcode Manager

Situation: Some of your magazine titles are not getting labels printed.

Action: Find the parent item of the affected magazine in the stock screen. Click the Other tab and tick the option to Print Barcode on Arrival. Repeat this process for the most recent issue of the magazine. You can then manually queue up labels for this issue by returning to the Details tab and clicking the Barcodes button. Enter the quantity arrived and then click OK.

Subagent/customer allocations are not appearing when arriving magazines

Situation: The screen that usually appears to allow you to change subagent / customer putaway allocations is not appearing.
Action: Make sure the Don't show Confirm Orders tick-box in Invoice arrivals is NOT ticked, It is located to the left of the EDI button.

Magazine scanning as wrong magazine title

Situation: You receive copies of DRUMMER, but it had been arrived in the system and also scans as COMPUTER UPGRADE. This happens due to the magazine being linked to the incorrect parent item.


  1. Locate the incorrect magazine:

    • From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Invoice Arrivals.
    • In Supplier, type in the supplier name or select it from the drop-down box.
    • In Invoice Number, type in the invoice/reference number. You can find this on the paper invoice.

    • Press [Tab] until the cursor moves into the Product Code and Issue Code field.
    • Locate the incorrectly arrived magazine in the list.
    • Write down the code that appears under Product Code.

  2. Change the magazine's barcode to ungroup it from an existing parent item:

    • Right-click on the incorrectly arrived magazine and click on Change Barcode.
    • Press [Alt]+[G] to create a new barcode for the magazine.
    • Click Change Barcode and click Yes to confirm.

    • Right-click on the incorrectly arrived magazine and click on View in Stock Screen.
    • Click on the Supply tab at the top.
    • Click in Supplier Stock Code, and delete the code.
    • Click on Save, then Close.
  3. Remove and re-arrive magazine:

    • Locate the incorrect magazine and make sure you have the Product Code written down somewhere.
    • Click on the magazine and click on Delete Stock Received at the bottom of the screen. Click Yes to confirm.

    • Click in the Product Code and Issue Code field.

    • Type in the Product Code that you wrote down before.
    • Click No when the Correct Parent Item confirmation message appears.

    • In the Find Stock Screen, locate and double-click the correct parent item. If the parent item does not exist, click Add to create a new item.
    • If the Change Supplier Stock Code screen comes up, click Yes.
    • Enter the amounts in Qty Received, Individual Price, Individual Sell and Recall Date as it appears in the paper invoice.
    • In the next section, press [F6] until it shows Issue Name. Then type in the issue name as it appears on the paper invoice.

    • Check the Customer and Subagent Delivery Dates. They should match the Arrival Date of the invoice.
    • Scan/type the barcode when Retailer prompts you to.

Quick Email Template for Emailing Suppliers

This is a suggested template for emailing suppliers about under/over supply of magazines.

Dear Account Manager,
Acct No: ########

We had the following supply discrepancies today:

     CLEO MARCH 2010
     FSSC: 57812668
     Inv. No.: 2342343
     Invoiced Qty: 05
     Delivered Qty: 04
     Shortage Qty: 01

Please Credit / Replace

     WOMAN'S DAY 20 FEB 2010
     FSSC: 65486512
     Inv. No.: 351351
     Invoiced Qty: 52
     Delivered Qty: 00
     Shortage Qty: 52
Please Credit / Replace

Thank You.

Acct No: ########
