This is for Newsagencies Only
Price changes should only be done once the Customer and Subagent Billing has been done for the previous week. For example:
- Let's say the newspaper prices are due to change on Monday, 27 June 2022.
- You will need to perform the customer/subagent billing for week ending Sunday, 26 June 2022.
- Only AFTER that should you change the price(s). If you change the prices BEFORE billing customer/subagents, they will be charged the new price(s) instead.
Changing Newspaper Prices
- From the main screen of Retailer, go to Stock Maintenance -> Stock Screen.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon to access the Find Stock Screen.
- Click on one of the PLU boxes and type in the PLU of the newspaper. Press OK.
- If you selected the correct stock item you will see a grid with prices for each day of the week, Change the price(s) in the grid as required.
- Click Save.
This change will affect over-the-counter sales as well as subagent and customers billings processed after the changes have been saved.
Updating Subagent Orders
After changing the prices, you'll need to update the prices in the subagent orders screen for the current week. To update the prices in the subagent orders grid:
- Click on Customers -> Subagent Statements.
- Preview the statements for the current week. This will update the price information in the Subagent Orders grid.
- The Return Price will not be updated and will need to be manually updated if required based on when your subagent returns their previous week's deliveries.