This is for Newsagencies Only
There are a number reasons that your subagent dockets may not be printing. Below are some examples and their solutions.
Subagent Dockets Disabled
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers.
- Locate the subagent you wish to change by using the magnifying glass at the bottom of the customer screen.
- Click on the Orders button at the bottom of your screen.
- Select the Subagent Details tab.
- On the right hand side of the screen, make sure Print Subagent Docket is ticked.
- Click Save and Close.
Subagent Is On A Stop
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers.
- Locate the subagent you wish to change by using the magnifying glass at the bottom of the customer screen.
- Click on the Orders button at the bottom of your screen.
- Select the Subagent Details tab.
- Check the subagent's Stop Date. If it shows that the subagent is stopped, you may need to change it.
- Additionally, click on the Stops & Starts tab and click Adjust Stops/Starts.
- Check that the orders are not on a stop. If they are, you may need to change them.
Orders Have Not Been Generated
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers.
- Locate the subagent you wish to change by using the magnifying glass at the bottom of the customer screen.
- Click on the Orders button at the bottom of your screen.
- Click on the All Orders tab.
- Check the that the Week Ending Date is that of the current week.
- If the grid is empty, click on Generate Orders.
- Select the current week ending date and click OK.
- The orders grid should now be populated with orders.
Incorrect Options Selected
In Reports -> Newsagency -> Subagent Dockets, there are a number of options that may prevent subagent dockets from printing:
- Incorrect date selected in Dockets Date.
- Incorrect subagents selected in Select Subagents To Print.
- Use Extras selected in Amount Type To Print.
- Incorrect delivery types selected in Delivery Types to Print.