To manually change a customer’s account balance, the easiest way is via a Balance Adjustment. The Balance Adjustment function can be used to write off bad customer debt.

Below are the steps which explain how to do this:
- From the Customer Screen, click on the magnifying glass to search for the customer that you want.
- If you don’t already see the Transaction Menu, click on the Menu button at the bottom of the Customer Screen.
- Click on Balance Adjustment.
- Type in the dollar amount that you wish to adjust the customer’s balance by:
- A Positive amount, will Increase the amount the customer owes.
- A Negative amount, will Reduce the amount the customer owes.
- Type in any notes about the adjustment in the two lines below ‘Reason for Adjustment’. These notes can appear on the customer’s statement. See Editing Statement Options
- The New Balance will display the customer’s balance once the adjustment has been saved.
- Click Save.
Balance Adjustment Allocation
When a Balance Adjustment is made to an account, it will work similarly to an Invoice or Credit, depending if it is positive or negative.

Balance Adjustments will appear on statements. The notes on the Balance Adjustment may also appear, depending on your Customer Statement settings.
If a positive Balance Adjustment is made, it creates a charge on their account, similar to an invoice. If the customer is in credit at the time, the credit will be allocated towards this Balance Adjustment.
If a negative Balance Adjustment is made, it will create a credit on their account. This credit will automatically be allocated towards the oldest outstanding charges on the account. You can view the details of this allocation by right-clicking the Balance Adjustment in the Customer Screen and selecting Allocation Details.
Reporting on Balance Adjustments
Chronologically - Sales Transaction Log
The Sales Transaction Log can be run to show all Balance Adjustments performed in a date range, listed in chronological order.
Under Transaction Types To Include, untick all types except for Balance Adjustments
By Customer - Sales By Customer
The Sales by Customer Report can be run to show all Balance Adjustments performed in a date range, grouped by customer
Under Transaction Types, untick all types except for Balance Adjustments