Retailer supports many Statement Types for customers. Statement Types determine whether a customer receives a statement, if they are charged an accounting fee, as well as how the statement looks. You can have multiple statement types for different types of customers.
Once statement types have been created, they can then be assigned to particular customers. Click HERE to learn more about setting a statement type to a customer.
Creating Or Editing Statement Types
To create a new statement type, or modify an existing one, follow these instructions:
- From the main screen of Retailer, go to Setup -> Customer.
- Click on the Statement Types tab.
- To add a new statement type, click on the Add button and type a Description for the statement type.
- To modify an existing statement type, use the arrows on the screen to find the one you wish to edit.
The options for statements are explained below:
Combined Order Charges / Detailed Order Charges Combines order charges and delivery fees into a single figure OR displays all order charges and fees separately. Payments should be made within how many days Affects the date shown toward the bottom of the statement in “Please Pay Account By …”. Use Forward Charging Enables customer statements to be charged to a date in the future. Click HERE to learn more. Number of Weeks Specifies the number of weeks that the statements will be forward-charged. Print Bill Payment Information on Statement Prints your BPAY Biller Code on the statement. Show Customer Notes Displays notes that are written in the Customer Screen for each customer. Statements are to be fully itemised when printed Displays each individual stock item on the statement. Payments are to be fully itemised when printed Displays detailed information of each payment transaction on statement. Show Not Due Field Shows extra box in aged balances, for amounts that are not overdue, but not current since last statement. Print Zero Balances Allows statements to generate for customer accounts that are at $0 balance. This will usually generate a lot more statements as most customers with no account charges/payments will be at $0. Show Full Stock Description Shows the full description of each stock item in transactions, instead of just short descriptions. Show Delivery Details Shows the customer details entered for a particular sale (address, email, and other contact details). Show Sale Notes Shows the notes added to sales or balance adjustments. Show Order Number Shows the order number for a sale (added as part of Delivery Details screen). Hide Due Date Column Hide due dates for individual sale transactions (can be confusing to customers). Print Credit Balances This will also display remaining credit amount that is unused on the account for each credit transaction. Credits can be potentially only used partially as there aren't outstanding balances on the account to allocate the full amount against. Print a statement regardless of the balance if the account is older than __ days Will force statements to print for customers who have some form of balance and last received a statement more than __ days ago. Minimum amount owed before a statement is to be printed Sets the minimum that a customer’s balance must reach to produce a statement. This can be overridden by the option above. Click HERE to learn more. What is the Accounting Fee you wish to charge (inc. GST)? Set the amount to charge as an accounting fee.
NOTE: The charging of an accounting fee in some states is prohibited. We highly recommend that you check the regulations in your state before introducing such a charge.
- Click Save.