The Sales By Customer report lists transaction details by customer during the selected date range allowing you to see the specific details of customer purchases and payments. You can narrow this down by a customer number range or customer categories and interests.

Generating the Report

  1. Click on Reports, then Sales Report, followed by Sales By Customer
  2. Choose the date range you wish to run the report for.
  3. Choose the options you wish to see on the report, see below for an explanation of the options.
    • Summary Details - Allows you to choose a summarised version of the transactions (shows transaction ID, Staff, Time, Date and Amount) or a detailed version which shows all the summarised information and the individual stock item details (serial numbers is optional)
    • Transaction Types - Allows you to choose the types of transactions to include in the report
    • Discounted Sales - Allows you to choose between Show All SalesDiscounted Sales Only or Non Discounted Sales Only
    • Selected Customers - This allows you to choose from All Customers or Customer Range From (choose the start of the customer range by customer number) To (choose the end of the customer range by customer number)
    • Customer Categories and Customer Interests - This option allows you to choose the customer categories and/or the customer interests to show on the report. Click here to look at how to setup customer categories or customer interests
  4. Click Preview or Print.

Reading the Report

The columns on the report are described below:

  1. Sale Stamp - Unique sale number identifying the transaction.
  2. Staff - Staff initials of person performing transaction.
  3. Sale Date - Date of transaction.
  4. Sale Time - Time of transaction.
  5. Transaction Type - Type of transaction (e.g. invoice sale, payment)
  6. Discount - Contains amount of discount in sale.
  7. Sale Amount - Total amount of transaction.