The discount types report allows you to view what discounts were performed for a specific date range.

Generating the Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Sales Reports -> Discount Types Report
  2. Report Date Range
    • Select the Start Date – This will be the Start Date of the report.
    • Select the End Date – This will be the End Date of the report.
  3. In Discount Types select all or click selected and then the types of discounts you wish to report on.
    • CIM Catalogue: Anytime an item on a catalogue is processed through Customer Invoice Maintenance.
    • CIM Customer Discount Profile: Anytime a customer that has a Customer Discount Profile setup applies a discount in the Customer Invoice Maintenance screen.
    • CIM Manual: Anytime a discount is manually applied in Customer Invoice Maintenance. More information HERE
    • POS Catalogue: Anytime a discount is applied automatically in the Point Of Sale screen via Catalogues. More information HERE
    • POS Customer Discount Profile: Anytime a customer that has a Customer Discount Profile setup applies a discount in the Point of Sale screen.
    • POS Loyalty Redemption: Anytime a customer redeems loyalty points tat discount items in the Point of Sale screen. More information HERE 
    • POS Manual: Anytime a manual discount is applied in the Point of Sale screen. More information HERE 
    • POS Voucher: Anytime a discount voucher is applied in the Point of Sale screen. More information HERE
  4. Terminals - allows you to report on all terminals or a select group of terminals (E.g. just the POS computers)
  5. Staff Members - allows you to report on all staff member or a select group of staff.
  6. Transaction Types allows you to select all transactions or specific transaction types.
  7. Summary Details:
    • Summarize Sales: Will provide an overall figure for each discount type that you selected.
    • Show Details of Sales: Lists each sale and the discount that was given
    • Show Individual Stock Item Sale: This will provide a breakdown of each sale that was performed listing each individual stock item from each sale.
  8. Show Item: This will display either Barcode, PLU or the SSC for the item on the report. (This will only work if ‘Show Individual Stock Item Sales’ is ticked.)
  9. Report Order: This will sort the order sales appear on the report

Reading the Report

  1. Type > (Sale) > (Item) - This will display in order that was chosen in the settings screen. This shows what discount was applied (e.g. POS Manual) the sale stamp (If ‘Show Details of Sales’ was selected) and the stock items on the sale (if ‘Show Individual Stock Item Sales was enabled’).
  2. Barcode/PLU/SSC - This will display the selected option if Show Individual Stock Item Sales was ticked.
  3. Items in sale - will reflect the total quantity of the items in each sale and a total number for the discount type.
  4. Discount Amount - This is the dollar value of the discount applied to the sale.
  5. Discounted Amount - This is the total of the sale after the discount had been applied.
  6. Gross Profit Amount - This is the profit after the discounts were applied in dollar value. A negative figure will be displayed for items discounted below cost.
  7. Gross profit % - This is the profit after the discounts were applied in a percentage. A negative figure will be displayed for items discounted below cost.
  8. Cost of Goods Sold - This shows the cost price of the items that were sold in the sale.
  9. Original Amount - This shows the amount of the sale before any discounts were applied.
  10. Terminal - This shows which terminal the sale was performed on.
  11. Staff - This will show either the initials or code of the staff member that applied the discount. This only applies if staff have been set up in the system. More information HERE
  12. Sale Date - This is the date the sale was performed on.
  13. Report Summary - The report summary will give you a total for the following columns: Items, Discount Amount, Discounted Amount, Original Amount and Gross Profit Amount.

Exporting the Report

You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
  1. PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
  2. Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.