Retailer’s loyalty module allows customers to earn loyalty points for each sale performed, the number of points based on customised settings for each department and category. These points may then be redeemed for discounts on products and services. Points are accrued and redeemed on a points-per-dollar model.
Loyalty Program Setup
- From the main screen of Retailer, go to Setup -> Loyalty.
- Enable sales of items from a particular department to accrue points by ticking Accrue Points and setting an amount in Point per $ Spent.
NOTE: Point per $ Spent must be a whole number. - Enable points to be used on sales of items from a particular department by ticking Redeem Points and setting an amount for Points Required for Every $.
NOTE: Points Required for Every $ must be a whole number. - Additionally, you can click on the arrow sign > to the left of a department to configure amounts for each category.
- If Use Dept is selected, the category(s) will use the settings of the department.
- If you configure the category settings manually, they will override department settings.
- In Start Date of the Loyalty Program, select the starting date of the Loyalty Program by clicking on the tick icon.
NOTE: If you choose a date in the past, Retailer will go back through customers’ sales and allocate points to them based on the items purchased. - In Enable Customers as Loyalty Customers, click on the blue icon to select customers based on several options.
- In Default sale type for account customer, set the default sale type when you do a sale to a loyalty customer.
NOTE: The Prompt option will display a selection screen after a customer is selected in the POS screen. - In Loyalty Points expire after how many days, set the expiry duration of the loyalty points.
- In Accrue loyalty points for these Sale Types, press the plus sign on the right of the screen and select the sale types from the list. Select a sale type and press the minus sign to remove it.
- Click on More to set more options:
- Redeem point on Sell Price Only - Ignores any discounts and applies loyalty points on the full item price during redemption.
- Accrue points on items that are partially redeemed - Accrue points on the remaining price of items that have used loyalty points.
- Update Loyalty Points Total in POS when Accruing - Displays expected points on bottom-left of POS screen as items are scanned in.
- Exclude discounted items when accruing points - Discounted Stock items won't accrue loyalty points
- Save new Customers as Loyalty Customers - Automatically enable new customers as loyalty customers.
- Print Receipt for all Loyalty Sales - Force receipts to be printed for any loyalty sales.
- The Statistics section at the bottom shows a summary of departments, categories and stock items affected by loyalty.
- Click Save and Close.

If you wish to exclude specific stock from being part of your loyalty program, they need to be moved to a category that is excluded from accruing or redeeming loyalty points.