The Stock Counts section of
Roam allows you to count stock into a Stocktake.
There are two types of Stock Counts that can be performed in Roam:
- Integrated Stock Count: Create a Stocktake in Retailer, count the Stock in Roam and have the counts automatically import against that Stocktake in Retailer
- Manual Stock Count: Create a Stock Count in Roam, count the Stock in Roam, import a stocktake file from Roam into Retailer to update quantities.
Access Stock Counts
- From your Roam POS screen, click on the hamburger menu button ☰ in the top left corner.
- In the menu sidebar, click Stock Counts
- Use the Search box at the top of the Stock Counts screen to search for a Stocktake Name
- The
'Pending' tab shows Stocktakes that are in progress and have not been processed.
The 'Completed' tab shows Stocktakes marked as Complete.
- The blue filter button at the top of the screen can be used to filter Stocktakes:
- By Location (Multi-Store only)
- Click the Start New button in the top right corner to create a new Manual Roam Stocktake.
- Select a Stocktake from the list to start counting stock for that stocktake
Create new Stock Count
Below are the steps to create an Integrated Stock Count by creating a Stocktake in Retailer and syncing this to Roam.
There are 3 types of Stocktake you can create in Retailer:
- Full Stocktake - Count All Products. QOH will be updated for All Products
- Spot Stocktake - Count selected Products. QOH will only be updated for Counted Products
- Custom Stocktake - Create a list of stock based on specified criteria (suppliers, departments, categories etc.). QOH will be only be updated for listed products
Create Stocktake in Retailer
Follow the "Starting a ... Stocktake" section from the relevant Advice Sheet above for the Stocktake type you wish to perform.
As an example, the below steps explain how to create a Full Stocktake
- In Retailer, from the Main Screen, click Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Stocktake.
- Click the New Stocktake button on the top-left.
- Select New Full/Spot Stocktake.
- Enter a description of the stocktake in Stocktake Name. ie 'JUNE2025 FULL'
- Close the Stocktake screen
- From the Main Screen, click Tasks -> Weblink Full Sync
- 'Do you want to perform a full weblink sync now?' Click Yes then Ok.
- The Stocktake should appear in Roam within 10 mins.
Count Stock in Roam
- From the Roam Stock Counts screen, click the Stocktake you wish to count stock for.
- In the Search box at the bottom of the Stocktake Count screen, scan a barcode or enter a product description. Press the Barcode button in the Search box to use the Camera to scan a barcode
- If searching by description, select the product from the list
- If the barcode is not found in Roam, press the 'Add Non Matched Product' button
- Enter the Counted Quantity and press enter or click Count
- To change Scan Modes, in the top right corner, click Actions then click Scan Mode. Select the Scan Mode you wish to use:
- Quick: Each scan of an item increases the count by one
- Slow: After scanning or selecting a product, you need to enter a quantity and then press Enter or Count
- After scanning or selecting a product, click the Product Name above search box to view the Count History.