RoamV2 - Stocktake

RoamV2 - Stocktake

Stocktakes in Roam will not account for sales during the stocktake process until they are imported into Retailer. If you are doing a large stocktake, it is better to break it up into smaller chunks and import the files into Retailer as you go. You do not need to process the stocktake; once imported into Retailer, sales will be accounted for.

Accessing Stock Management

  1. From your Roam POS screen click on the hamburger menu button in the top left corner. 
  2. In the menu sidebar, click Stock Management

Opening Pending or Completed Stocktakes

  1. The Stock Management screen has two tabs for Pending and Completed Stocktakes.
  2. Use the search box to find stocktakes by name
  3. In the Pending tab, click a Stocktake to continue counting stock into that Stocktake
  4. In the Completed tab, click a Stocktake to view the products counted in that Stocktake.
    1. Click Email to send the stocktake file to a nominated email address.
    2. Click Download to save the stocktake file to your PC
    3. The stocktake file needs to be imported into Retailer by following the steps in the section below
  5. To start a new stocktake, click the Create button in the top right corner

Create New Stocktake

There are two types of Stocktake in Roam:
  1. Full Stocktake
    1. Stocktake all products in Roam
  2. Partial Stocktake
    1. Stocktake a selection of products by department or category
To create a stocktake:
  1. From the Stock Management page in Roam, click the Create button in the top right corner
  2. Choose the type of Stocktake you wish to perform
  3. Enter a name for the Stocktake
  4. Choose a Roam Location if applicable
  5. For Partial Stocktake, Choose a Department, Category, or individual products to Stocktake. Items can also be added to a Partial Stocktake by scanning the item into the Count Screen.
  6. Click Save

Counting Stock into Stocktake

  1. In the Search box at the top of the Stocktake Count screen, scan a barcode or enter a product description. Press the Barcode button in the Search box to use the Camera to scan a barcode
  2. If searching by description, select the product from the list
  3. Enter the Counted Quantity and press enter or click Count
  4. Choose between Default or Quick Scan Modes:
    1. Default: After scanning or selecting a product, you need to enter a quantity and then press Enter or Count
    2. Quick: Each scan of an item increases the count by one
  5. Under the Search box, there are three tabs to choose from:
    1. All: Shows all stock on the stocktake
    2. Counted: Only shows items counted in the stocktake
    3. Uncounted: Only shows items that have not been counted in the stocktake
  6. Down the left hand side of the screen, the Count History is shown. If an item has been counted incorrectly, Click the rubbish bin 🗑 icon to remove that count.
    1. The Count History will not show on mobile phones

Processing Stocktake

  1. Once you have finished counting the stock items into the Stocktake, click the Finish button in the top right corner
  2. Click Email to send the Stocktake file to your nominated email address.
    1. The File can be set to automatically email when processing a Stocktake. See Stock Management Settings
  3. Click Download to save the Stocktake file to your current device

Importing Roam Stocktake File to Retailer

Before performing a stocktake, click HERE for more information on the types of stocktakes that can be performed as well as the precautions that you need to take before undertaking one.
  1. From the main screen of Retailer click on Utilities -> Import/Export Files -> Import PDE File
  2. Click the Import CSV File button
  3. Click on the yellow folder icon on the bottom-right and navigate to the Roam stocktake file (If you elected to email the file, make sure you save the attachment from your email)
  4. Click Yes to confirm that that is the file you want to import.
  5. For PDE Action, select PDE Stocktake
  6. For Barcode, set the column to 1
  7. For Item Description, set the column to 2
  8. For Quantity, set the column to 3
  9. Set Lines in File Header to 1
  10. Click Save
  11. Click Import PDE File
  12. Once the import process is complete, the Import PDE File screen will appear and show a list of imported items. You can click on the Modify or Delete buttons to modify or delete items respectively.
  13. Click on Begin Processing
  14. Assuming you are at the beginning of a stocktake, click on New.
    If you already have an existing stocktake, click on
    Existing and select the particular stocktake for the items from the drop-down box.
    The Overwrite Item Quantity screen may appear during the processing if the same barcode was entered multiple times on the same file. In most cases, select Add and click OK.
    The figure in Counted Qty for the items on the list will be updated with those imported from Roam.
  15. Once the file(s) have been imported, you can check the grid and the quantities.
    NOTE: The figures in Counted Qty can be changed, if required.
  16. Give the Stocktake a meaningful name by changing the Stocktake Name from PDE Import in the top left corner
  17. When you are ready to finalise the stocktake, click on Process.
  18. Click Yes to the confirmation messages.
  19. Once processed, that particular stocktake is locked and cannot be edited.

Reporting on the Stocktake

To view a discrepancy report for the stocktake:
  1. Click on the Report button in the bottom right hand corner.
  2. This report will show you all items stocktaked and any discrepancies will show against each item.
  3. Use this report to find items that were missed or miscounted during stocktake to reduce your discrepancy.
  4. You can also go to Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Stocktake Discrepancy and use the options to run the report only on items with a discrepancy.
To view a complete stock-on-hand report:
  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Stock Reports -> Stock Listing Reports -> General Stock Listing.
  2. Select the options based on your needs.
  3. Click Preview or Print.

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