RoamV2 - Stocktake

RoamV2 - Stocktake

The Stock Counts section of Roam allows you to count stock into a Stocktake.
There are two types of Stock Counts that can be performed in Roam:
  1. Integrated Stock Count: Create a Stocktake in Retailer, count the Stock in Roam and have the counts automatically import against that Stocktake in Retailer
  2. Manual Stock Count: Create a Stock Count in Roam, count the Stock in Roam, import a stocktake file from Roam into Retailer to update quantities.

Access Stock Counts

  1. From your Roam POS screen, click on the hamburger menu button ☰ in the top left corner.
  2. In the menu sidebar, click Stock Counts
  3. Use the Search box at the top of the Stock Counts screen to search for a Stocktake Name
  4. The 'Pending' tab shows Stocktakes that are in progress and have not been processed. The 'Completed' tab shows Stocktakes marked as Complete.
  5. The blue filter button at the top of the screen can be used to filter Stocktakes:
    1. By Location (Multi-Store only)
  6. Click the Start New button in the top right corner to create a new Manual Roam Stocktake.
  7. Select a Stocktake from the list to start counting stock for that stocktake

Create new Stock Count

Below are the steps to create an Integrated Stock Count by creating a Stocktake in Retailer and syncing this to Roam.
To perform a Manual Stock Count in Roam, See Roam Manual Stocktake
There are 3 types of Stocktake you can create in Retailer:
  1. Full Stocktake - Count All Products. QOH will be updated for All Products
  2. Spot Stocktake - Count selected Products. QOH will only be updated for Counted Products
  3. Custom Stocktake - Create a list of stock based on specified criteria (suppliers, departments, categories etc.). QOH will be only be updated for listed products
For more information, see the Overview of Stocktaking in Retailer article.

Create Stocktake in Retailer

Follow the "Starting a ... Stocktake" section from the relevant Advice Sheet above for the Stocktake type you wish to perform.
As an example, the below steps explain how to create a Full Stocktake
  1. In Retailer, from the Main Screen, click Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Stocktake.
  2. Click the New Stocktake button on the top-left.
  3. Select New Full/Spot Stocktake.
  4. Enter a description of the stocktake in Stocktake Name. ie 'JUNE2025 FULL'
  5. Close the Stocktake screen
  6. From the Main Screen, click Tasks -> Weblink Full Sync
  7. 'Do you want to perform a full weblink sync now?' Click Yes then Ok.
  8. The Stocktake should appear in Roam within 10 mins.

Count Stock in Roam

  1. From the Roam Stock Counts screen, click the Stocktake you wish to count stock for.
  2. In the Search box at the bottom of the Stocktake Count screen, scan a barcode or enter a product description. Press the Barcode button in the Search box to use the Camera to scan a barcode
  3. If searching by description, select the product from the list
  4. If the barcode is not found in Roam, press the 'Add Non Matched Product' button
  5. Enter the Counted Quantity and press enter or click Count
  6. To change Scan Modes, in the top right corner, click Actions then click Scan Mode. Select the Scan Mode you wish to use:
    1. Quick: Each scan of an item increases the count by one
    2. Slow: After scanning or selecting a product, you need to enter a quantity and then press Enter or Count
  7. After scanning or selecting a product, click the Product Name above search box to view the Count History.

Processing Stocktake

To finalise the Stocktake, you need to process the Stocktake in Retailer.
Follow the "Finishing a ... Stocktake" section from the relevant Advice Sheet above for the Stocktake type you wish to perform.

As an example, the below steps explain how to process a Full Stocktake:
  1. From the Main Screen of Retailer, click Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Stocktake.
  2. If the Stocktake is not already open, click Open Existing Stocktake and select it from the list.
  3. Make sure the last item counted in Roam has imported to Retailer.
  4. Click the Process button in the bottom-right corner.
  5. You will be asked 'Are you sure you wish to process this stocktake?'
    Only click Yes if you are confident you have scanned everything in store as this process cannot be undone.
  6. Next, you will be asked 'Do you wish to reset the QOH for items not stocktaked to 0?'
    Select Yes to clear the stock on hand quantity for everything that has not been scanned.
  7. You will then be asked to confirm this choice. Select Yes to this message.
  8. The stocktake will be processed. It is now closed and cannot be edited anymore.
  9. Close the Stocktake screen.
  10. From the Main Screen, click Tasks -> Weblink Full Sync
  11. 'Do you want to perform a full weblink sync now?' Click Yes then Ok.
  12. The Stocktake should be removed from the Pending Stock Counts list in Roam within 10 mins.

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