The instructions below are intended for stocktaking in Retailer 2.6.1 or later. If you are running a version older than this, click HERE for instructions on updating to the latest version.

Before following the instructions on this article, it is advisable that you read the Overview of Stocktaking article.
A Spot Stocktake involves the following:
- Only items that you scan will have their quantity-on-hand figures changed.
- Does not clear stock on hand quantities for items that were not scanned.
- Arrivals and sales can be performed during the stocktake.
Starting a Spot Stocktake

We have a video guide on how to stocktake in Retailer - 🎬 Stocktaking
- On the top menu bar in Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Stocktake.
- Click the New Stocktake button on the top-left.
- Select New Full/Spot Stocktake.
- Enter a description of the stocktake in Stocktake Name.
Performing a Spot Stocktake
- Untick Prompt when user scans an item not currently in the grid on the top-right.
- To start counting items, click in Scan Barcode/PLU and scan your first item.
Then, type the number of items in the Quantity field and press [Enter]. - You can also tick Show number pad to bring up a number pad as seen below.
- To count items by scanning each item individually (i.e scan three items separately - you have counted three), tick the box Count by scanning individual items. This will stop the quantity field being used and every scan will increase the quantity by one.
- For items already on the grid, you can change the counted quantity directly in the grid.
- Once an item is scanned, the grid will show you the details regarding the item.
Editing Scanned Items
Once you've scanned items into the grid, they can be edited accordingly:
- To change the counted number of a particular stock item:
- Click on the Counted Qty field for the particular stock item.
- Enter the new quantity. Alternatively, click on the drop-down arrow to access the numeric keypad.
- Press [Enter].
- To change the Department, Category, Cost Prices, Sell Price, Supplier and Supplier Stock Code:
- Click on the respective field in the panel on the right.
- Enter the new value or click on the drop-down arrow to select it from the list.
Finishing a Spot Stocktake
Once you have scanned all the stock items in the store you can process the stocktake and update all the quantities in retailer.
- Click the Process button in the bottom-right corner.
- You will be asked Are you sure you wish to process this stocktake?
Only click Yes if you are confident you have scanned everything in store as this process cannot be undone. - Next, you will be asked Do you wish to reset the QOH for items not stocktaked to 0?
Select No. This will prevent items that were not counted from being cleared.
NOTE: This is the most crucial step of the process. DO NOT click Yes. - The stocktake will be processed. It is now closed and cannot be edited anymore.

It is vital that you click NO when asked Do you wish to reset the QOH for items not stocktaked to 0? Only click yes if you are performing a Full Stocktake
Reporting on a Spot Stocktake
To view a discrepancy report for the stocktake:
- Click on the Report button in the bottom right hand corner.
- This report will show you all items stocktaked and any discrepancies will show against each item.
- Use this report to find items that were missed or miscounted during stocktake to reduce your discrepancy.
- You can also go to Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Stocktake Discrepancy and use the options to run the report only on items with a discrepancy.
To view a complete stock-on-hand report:
- On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Stock Reports -> Stock Listing Reports -> General Stock Listing.
- Select the options based on your needs.
- Click Preview or Print.