• Requires setting up desired quantities for stock items but reduces a lot of guess-work when reordering.
  • Once set up, is very automated and requires little input from the user.
  • Can be run for specific suppliers and/or departments/categories.
  • Takes existing orders into consideration and can adjust quantities based on this.

For a comparison between re-ordering methods, click HERE.

Set Up Desired Quantities for Stock Items

For the purposes of re-ordering, Retailer uses the following options to determine quantities to order:

  • Desired Quantity - The maximum quantity at which stock should be on-hand when re-ordered.
  • Stock Reorder Quantity - The quantity at which stock will be taken into account and included to be re-ordered. 

For example:

Current Quantity-on-HandDesired QuantityStock Reorder QuantityOrder Created?Quantity Added to Order
(Because current QOH is higher than Stock Reorder Quantity)
(Because current QOH is 2 and Desired Quantity is 20)


These Desired Quantity and Stock Reorder Quantity can be change in either the Stock Screen or the Stock Manager.

Through the Stock Screen (Individual Items)

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen
  2. Click on the magnifying glass icon to access the Find Stock Screen. Search for a particular stock item and click OK.
  3. Click on the Reorder tab.
    • In Desired Quantity to Have on Hand, enter the desired quantity for the stock item.
    • In Reorder This Item When It's Stock Level Gets Down To, enter the quantity at which the stock item will be re-ordered.
    • (Optional) In Warn POS Users About This Item When The Stock Level Is, enter the quantity at which Retailer will display a warning in the POS screen when the item is scanned.
    • In Reorder Method to Use When Recalculating Order Quantity, leave this on Unit. However, if you want to order an item by it's pack, select Pack from the drop-down box.
      For more information about using packs in Retailer, click HERE.
  4. Click Save.
    Repeat for other stock items as required.

Through the Stock Manager (Multiple Items)

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Stock Manager.
  2. Make sure the list is empty. To do so, click on Remove -> Remove All.
  3. Click on Search to access the Advanced Stock Search screen.
    • Enter the criteria of stock to change quantities for.
    • Click Search.
      For more information about using the Advanced Stock Search utility, click HERE.
  4. Click on Edit Selected.
  5. Change the quantities in Desired Qty and Stock Reorder Level, as required.
    The field will turn red to indicate that there is a change to be made.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 for other groups of items as required.

Running the Reorder Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Stock Reports -> Stock Reorder Report.
  2. In the Options section:
    • Select between All Suppliers or Selected Supplier.
      For Selected Supplier, choose a particular supplier from the drop-down box.
    • In Selected Departments, leave all departments selected or select only particular departments.
      To select multiple departments, hold down the [Ctrl] key as you click on each department.
    • In Selected Categories, leave all categories selected or select only particular categories.
      To select multiple categories, hold down the [Ctrl] key as you click on each category.
  3. In the Report Viewing /Printing Options section, tick the options as required:
    • Display Full Stock Description - Tick to show the full description of the item. If unticked, it will show the item's short description.
    • Show Cost Price - Tick to show the cost price of each item. If unticked, the cost price will be hidden.
    • Use Band Colours - Tick to highlight each alternating line, which may make reading the report easier. If unticked, the report will use an entirely white background.
    • Show Stock Locale - Tick to show the Stock Locale of each item. If unticked, the Stock Locale will be hidden.
      Click HERE for more information about stock locales.
    • Print New Page For Every Supplier - Tick to separate each supplier on a new page. If unticked, multiple supplier may appear on the same page.
    • Show Retail Price - Tick to show the retail price of each item. If unticked, the retail price will be hidden.
    • Show Quantity on Hand - Tick to show the current quantity-on-hand number of each stock item. If unticked, the current quantity-on-hand will be hidden.
    • Exclude Inactive Stock - Tick to hide items that have been marked as inactive. If unticked, inactive stock will be included in the reorder report.
  4. In the Reordering Details section, choose between the following ways to reorder stock:
    Reordering DetailDescription
    Reorder Qty based only on the current Qty On Hand of each stock itemQuantities to order are generated entirely based on the Current QOH, Desired Quantity and Stock Reorder Level.
    Reorder Qty (based on current QOH) minus Pending Order QtyQuantities to order are generated as above but minus any quantities that are already in Pending Orders.
    Reorder Qty (based on current QOH) minus Sent Order QtyQuantities to order are generated as above but minus any quantities that are already in Sent Orders.
    Reorder Qty (based on current QOH) minus Pending and Sent Order QtysQuantities to order are generated as above but minus any quantities that are already in Pending or Sent Orders.
  5. Click Preview to view the report, from which you can print/save the report and then close the preview.
    Alternatively, click on Print to print out the report.
  6. You will then be prompted to create a Pending Order.
    Click Yes to create one or click No to cancel the process.
  7. If you clicked Yes, the order is created and can be viewed in the Orders Maintenance screen.