Tatts and Golden Casket have recently introduced a new digital wallet, this is information on how to set this up.

This is for Newsagencies only and in all starts and territories excluding WA
For instructions on processing a sale see Processing a Lotto Sale With Digital Wallet

Setup Lotto Departments

Before adding Lotto barcodes, you will need to make sure you have a LOTTO, LOTTO PAYOUT and LOTTO CANCEL departments set up. See Adding Departments
All three departments should be in the GST Free tax group, and the 'Agency Department?' option should be ticked.
For LOTTO PAYOUT and LOTTO CANCEL, the 'Payout Department?' option should be ticked

Setting Up Lotto Barcodes

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
  2. Click on the Add button on the bottom-left.
  3. In the Barcode section, press [Alt]+[G].
  4. In the PLU section, enter as in the table below.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Put in your product description as you want it to appear on receipts and in the point of sale screen.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the department in the table then click Next.
  9. Select the correct supplier and leave all the QOH settings as they are. Click Next.
  10. Set your tax group and leave all the pricing options as they are. Click Next. You may get a warning that you have not set a retail price. Click Ok.
  11. In the next screen the only tick box that should be ticked is the first one asking whether the item should be allowed to be discounted. This can either be ticked or un-ticked depending on your businesses preference. All other boxes should be un-ticked. Click Next.
  12. Leave the newsagency specific settings as they are and click Finish.
  13. Repeat this process for each different lotto game type using the PLU’s and descriptions in the table provided.
  14. Go into each created stock item in the Stock Screen, and click on the 'Other' tab.
  15. Tick the box marked 'Do not prompt for price in POS when $0'.
Saturday LottoX7401LOTTO
Oz LottoX7402LOTTO
Super 66X7404LOTTO

Monday Lotto (excluding QLD)

Monday/Wednesday Lotto (QLD Only)
(discontinued 16/05/2024)

Lucky Lotto $2X7407LOTTO
Lucky Lotto $5X7408LOTTO
Lucky StrikeX7409LOTTO
Wednesday Lotto (excluding QLD)
(discontinued 16/05/2024)
Keno Coin TossX7412LOTTO
Set for LifeX7413LOTTO
Winners Circle Card Activation
(discontinued 16/05/2024)
Card Renewal
(discontinued 16/05/2024)
Instant ScratchX7430LOTTO
ISI Gift PackX7431LOTTO
Lotto Prize ClaimX7440LOTTO PAYOUT
Scratchie Prize ClaimX7441LOTTO PAYOUT
  Weekday Windfall (see note below)

If you find that you have already got an item with PLU X7422, please read the advice sheet on Weekday Windfall

Digital Wallet

The following grid is for use with the Digital Wallet.

Please repeat the steps at the top for adding the products with the below codes.

Wallet Paid SyndicatesX7460LOTTO
Wallet Paid Saturday LottoX7461LOTTO
Wallet Paid Oz LottoX7462LOTTO
Wallet Paid Super 66X7464LOTTO
Wallet Paid Monday Lotto (excluding QLD)

Wallet Paid Monday/Wednesday Lotto (QLD Only)

(discontinued 16/05/2024)
Wallet Paid Lucky Lotto $2X7467LOTTO
Wallet Paid Lucky Lotto $5X7468LOTTO
Wallet Paid Lotto StrikeX7469LOTTO
Wallet Paid KenoX7471LOTTO
Wallet Paid Keno Coin TossX7472LOTTO
Wallet Paid Set for LifeX7473LOTTO
Wallet Paid PowerballX7463LOTTO
Wallet Paid Weekday WindfallX7482LOTTO

Tabcorp / Tatts Terminal Connect

The following grid is products that need to be added to use Tatts Terminal connect.

Click HERE for full Tatts Terminal Connect instructions.

Cancelled SaleX7425LOTTO CANCEL
Cancel Refund to online accountX7485LOTTO CANCEL

Wallet Pay type

With the new wallet process from Lotto you will need to create a paytype in Retailer.

  1. From the Main screen of Retailer got Setup > General > Pay Types
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter the description "Digital Wallet" then Click Next
  4. Click Finish
  5. In sort order set the order for the paytype on the subtotal screen
  6. In Type choose Tabcorp
  7. Click Save and then Close

Scanning Lotto Tickets

Once the stock item has been set up you will be able to scan any lotto ticket that is printed from your lotto terminal. Simply scan the POS Barcode with your scanner and the price will automatically be picked up from the barcode. The description will be taken from the stock items we have just set up.