This advice sheet will step you through performing a stocktake using CSV files generated from Retailer Roam.

Before performing a stocktake, click HERE for more information on the types of stocktakes that can be performed as well as the precautions that you need to take before undertaking one. 

Importing the Data File from Roam into Retailer

  1. From the main screen of Retailer click on Utilities -> Import/Export Files -> Import PDE File -> Import CSV File.
  2. Click on the yellow folder icon on the bottom-right and navigate to the stocktake file (Find the location that you saved it from the email to.) 
  3. Click Yes to confirm that that is the file you want to import.
  4. Enter the settings for BarcodeQuantity & Description as below.

  1. Click Save and then click on the Import PDE button.
  2. The Find Stock Screen may appear if an item's barcode cannot be found in the system. Try to locate the correct item or click Add to manually add the item in.
  3. Once the import process is complete, the Import PDE File screen will appear and show a list of imported items. You can click on the Modify or Delete buttons to modify or delete items respectively.
  4. Click on Begin Processing.
  5. Assuming you are at the beginning of a stocktake, click on New.
    If you already have an existing stocktake, click on Existing and select the particular stocktake for the items from the drop-down box.
  6. The Overwrite Item Quantity screen may appear during the processing if the same barcode was entered multiple times on the same file. In most cases, select Add and click OK.
  7. The figure in Counted Qty for the items on the list will be updated with those imported from the PDE.

If you are importing multiple times from the PDE, follow the steps above without creating a new stocktake.

After Importing the Data File

  1. Once the file(s) have been imported, you can check the grid and the quantities.
    NOTE: The figures in Counted Qty can be changed, if required.
  2. When you are ready to finalise the stocktake, click on Process.
  3. Click Yes to the confirmation messages.

Once processed, that particular stocktake is locked and cannot be edited.

Reporting on the Stocktake

To view a discrepancy report for the stocktake:

  • Click on the Report button in the bottom right hand corner.
  • This report will show you all items stocktaked and any discrepancies will show against each item.
  • Use this report to find items that were missed or miscounted during stocktake to reduce your discrepancy.
  • You can also go to Stock Maintenance -> Stocktake -> Stocktake Discrepancy and use the options to run the report only on items with a discrepancy.

To view a complete stock-on-hand report:

  • On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Reports -> Stock Reports -> Stock Listing Reports -> General Stock Listing.
  • Select the options based on your needs.
  • Click Preview or Print.