This article shows common areas where you can view the quantity on-hand of a stock item in Retailer. These include:

  • Find Stock Screen
  • Stock Screen
  • Stock Enquiry Screen
  • Point of Sale Screen
To find out the stock-on-hand for large groups of items, the General Stock Listing report would be a good way to check. Click HERE for information on running this report.

Find Stock Screen

  1. Access the Find Stock Screen from any screen that allows you to search stock from. For example:
    • In the Point of Sale screen, press [Enter].
    • In the Stock Screen, click on the magnifying glass icon.
    • In the Invoice Arrival screen, press [Enter] while the cursor is in the Barcode / PLU / Supplier Stock Code / Product Code and Issue Code box.
  2. Search for the particular stock item either directly or through Advanced Stock Search.
    For more information on using the Advanced Stock Search feature, click HERE.
  3. The On Hand column will show the current quantity on-hand.
If the On Hand column is not in the grid, click HERE to find out how to add it to the search screen.

Stock Screen

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
  2. Click the magnifying glass and search for the particular item. Click OK.
  3. Within the QOH box on the top right, it will show the quantity on-hand.
On older versions of Retailer, you will need to click on the Other tab and the quantity on-hand will be shown at the bottom. 
If you have multiple store locations, you can view the quantities at other locations in the Reorder tab by clicking QOH at other Stores.

Stock Enquiry Screen

  1. From any screen in Retailer, on the keyboard press [Alt]+[T].
  2. Scan the product or type in the barcode.
  3. The Stock Enquiry Screen will appear for that item and display the quantity in the Qty On Hand section.
The Stock Enquiry screen shows whether an item is currently on a Pending or Sent order for a supplier and allows you to create a supplier order for that item. You can use the Stock Item Report to find out which specific supplier order the item is associated with.

Point of Sale Screen

  1. Scan or otherwise add an item to a sale in the Point of Sale screen.
  2. Click on the Description of the item. The Stock Details screen will appear and display the quantity within the Qty On Hand section.
  3. Once you're done, click OK.