The Stock Item Report allows you to see information about a specific stock item, including its individual sales and arrivals history, what items it was sold with and customers who have purchased it. It can be used when trying to determine when an item was sold, and can be helpful when trying to track down the cause of Quantity on Hand discrepancies.
Generating the Report
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock and then Stock Screen.
- Click on the Arrivals and Sales tab, then Stock Item Report.
NOTE: You can also access this report from the ALT-T screen - Tick Print Sale Information to show the sales information.
- In Date Range, select the Start Date and End Date for the report.
- Print Customer Sale Only will only show sales against customers.
- Print Arrival and Returns information will show any stock arrived via invoice arrivals or returned.
- Print sold with information will show the other items sold in the same sale as this item.
- Print catalogue information will show if the stock item is on a catalogue.
- Print Manufactured Goods Information - If the item is part of a Manufactured Good, it will show information on this.
- Print Repair Information - If the item is on a repair, it will show information about this.

If all you need is an Arrivals and Sales history, the Arrivals and Sales tab of the stock screen can show you this - just click the Show Arrivals and Sales button, then enter a date range. Use the report instead if you need more information or a printable version.
Reading The Report
The top of the report will show some general information about the stock item, then the report will be broken down into different sections depending on the options chosen.
- Sales - For any sales in the period selected, it will show:
- Sale Stamp
- Staff member
- Date
- Time
- Terminal
- Customer number
- Serial number, if item uses it
- Quantity Sold
- Sale price
- Discount
- A total of these columns
- Arrivals Information - For the last 10 arrivals, it will show:
- Invoice number
- Arrival Date
- Barcode
- Quantity Received
- Retail Price
- Cost Inc. GST
- A total of these columns
- Catalogue Details - For the catalogue that the stock item is on, it will show:
- Catalogue Name
- Start Date
- Stop Date
- If it's Active
- If it's OfficeSmart
- Repair information - Where the item has been used in Repairs, it will show:
- Repair ID
- Entered Date
- Quantity Used
- Retail Price
- Cost Price Inc. GST
- Manufactured Goods - Where it has been used to make another manufactured item, it will show:
- Product Barcode
- Stock Description
- Quantity Used
- Total Retail
- Cost Price Inc. GST
Exporting the Report
You can export the report to either a PDF document or Excel spreadsheet by using the Preview button and following the below steps:
- PDF - Click on the red PDF button at the top of the report and choose your save destination.
- Excel spreadsheet - Click on the Print button at the top left. Tick 'Print to File' and select 'Xlsx Data File'. Click on the three dots button [...] to choose your save destination. Click OK to save the file.