Lists all stocktaked or non-stocktaked items in your store.

Generating The Report

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer click on Reports > Stock Reports > Stock Listing Reports > Stocktake Listing.
  2. Stock options on the right, Select Suppliers, Select Department:
    • Select All  - Shows stock from all departments/categories, or all suppliers.
    • Selected - Tick the departments or supplier that were stocktaked, that you want included in the report. By clicking the arrow next to a department, you can expand its categories and further narrow down the included stock by category.
    • Include stock not in a Category - Only applies to Selected Departments. Tick this box to include stock from the selected departments that has not been assigned a category
  3. Select Stocktake - Here you select the Stocktake that you have already created and generated, below you will need to select items that have or have not been stocktaked.
  4. Select Quantity On Hand Level:
    All Stock Items - Will show stock regardless of quantity on hand
    Greater than 0 - Only show stock with quantity on hand greater than 0
    Less or equal to 0 - Only show stock with quantity on hand less than 0 or equal to 0
    Less than 0 - Only show stock with quantity on hand less than 0
  5. Details to Display - this changes whether the PLU or Supplier stock code is shown.
  6. Locale Options (Landscape Only)Report must set to landscape orientation to use these options:
    Show Locales - Ticking this will display the store locales of stock on the report
    All Locales - Tick to include all stock regardless of locale on report
    Selected Locale - Choose a locale to only include stock from that locale
  7. Extra options:
    • Hide Inactive Items - Hides items that are set in the stock screen to be inactive
    • Show Store Locale (landscape only) - displays the name of locales where the stock is placed
    • Show Serial number - Shows the Serial numbers for the items
  8. Stock Items Not Stocktaked / Stock Items Stocktaked - Choose one of the options. The first one will report on items not in the selected stocktake (ignoring items on the stocktake), and the second one will only report on items in the selected stocktake (ignoring other items).
  9. Page Orientation - Here you can choose if the page is landscape or portrait.
  10. Click Print or Preview.

Reading The Report

  • Stock Description – Contains the items name
  • Barcode – The barcode of the items
  • PLU – Quick lookup code associated to the item
  • Qty On Hand – How many of this item are recorded in your store
  • Total Input Credit - How much the GST for all items equal together
  • Cost Inc. – How much the item cost for the store including gst per unit
  • Total GST - GST included within the item per unit
  • Sell Per Item – How much the item is being sold for per unit
  • Total Cost - How much the cost price for all items equal together
  • Total Retail - How much the sell price for all items equal together
  • GST – Tells you if the item includes GST or is GST FREE

Below the list of items will have the totals.