We have a video guide on how to create and send purchase orders using Orders Maintenance in Retailer - 🎬 Orders Maintenance - Creating, Managing and Sending Orders
Creating An Order
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Orders -> Orders Maintenance.
- Click on Add Order.
- The Order Number is automatically generated or optionally, you can change it.
- Choose the Supplier.
- Choose the Staff Member entering the order.
- Choose the Date Created, if necessary.
- Enter in a Freight charge and/or Exchange Rate, if required.
- Click on the Notes button to add information about the Order.In the Notes screen, click Add at the bottom to add a note. Select an existing note from the list and click Edit to change it, or Delete to remove it from this quote / invoice.
Adding Stock Items to the Order
- Click on Add Stock To Order.
- Enter the Barcode/PLU or use F6 to search by Supplier Stock Code (SSC), you can also press enter to bring up the stock search
- Enter in the quantity in Qty To Order and press Enter/Tab on your keyboard.
- Click on the Notes column to add notes about the item.In the Notes screen, click Add at the bottom to add a note. Select an existing note from the list and click Edit to change it, or Delete to remove it from this quote / invoice.
- Repeat Steps 2-4 for all other items.
- Click on Save.
- You will notice that the Order Status shows Pending. This means that the Order can be edited as much as you like.
For more information about editing a pending order, click HERE.
You can check a stock item's sales history by clicking Stock History to the right in Orders Maintenance. Click HERE for more information.
Can you edit a stock item's information, such as the Supplier Stock Code (SSC) by selecting it in the grid and clicking on the Stock Details button to the right.
You can change the columns displayed by clicking on the orange asterisk (*) box in the column header. Click HERE for more information.
Sending/Finalizing Orders
- Once the Order is complete, click on Print Order.
- In Search Options, select between the following:
- Current Order
- Specific Order -> Enter a specific Order Number
- Supplier/Stock Item -> Choose a particular Supplier or Stock Item
- Specific Order Status -> Choose between different Order Statuses
- Combine Multiple Orders -> Choose a specific Supplier and select the particular Orders to print
- In Visual Options, select the options to customize the look of your order form.
- In Pricing Details, select the options to customize the pricing information on your order form
- Click on Preview to view an on-screen version of the order form or Print to print the order form directly.
- Once you are done, close the screen.
- A screen will then appear asking you to set the pending order as sent. Click Yes to confirm.
Once set as Sent, the Order cannot be edited anymore. If you need to make further changes, click on Reverse Order Status.
If you want to send the order via e-mail instead, click HERE for more information.
For more information on arriving an order that has been marked as Sent, click HERE.