We have a video guide on adding a stock item into Retailer - đźŽ¬ Adding Stock items

Creating a Stock Item

If the stock wizard does not appear when you click the Add button, click HERE to enable it.
  1. The stock wizard can be accessed through several areas such as:
    • Click the Add button in the Stock Screen.
    • Click the Add button in the Find Stock Screen.
  2. In the Enter Barcode and PLU screen:
    • Scan or type in the product’s barcode. If the product doesn’t have a barcode, press [Alt]+[G] on your keyboard to have Retailer automatically generate one for you.
    • Enter a PLU or Price Lookup Unit, which is a short alphanumeric code for the item. This is mainly used to access items quickly or as a code for a magazine's parent item.
    • Click Next.
  3. In the field in the middle of the screen, type in a description for the stock item. Alternatively, you can use the following options at the top of the screen:
    • Find Similar Item - Allows you to select and pre-enter the details from another stock item.
      NOTE: This will copy settings from the existing item make sure you check all stock items settings.
    • Use Last Item Arrived - Pre-enters the details from the last stock item arrived.
      NOTE: This will copy settings from the existing item make sure you check all stock items settings.
    • Clear This Item's Details - Removes any details for the stock item except the barcode and PLU.
    • Link Stock - Allows you to link the new item to an existing item. Click HERE for more information on linked stock items.
    • Click Next.
  4. In the Enter Department and Category screen:
    • Select a department from the drop-down box. If the department does not exist, press [Insert] on your keyboard to add a new department.
    • Select a category from the drop-down box. If the category does not exist, press [Insert] on your keyboard to add a new category. This is optional but highly recommended.
    • Click Next.
  5. In the Enter Supplier Details screen:
    • Select the supplier from the drop-down box. If the supplier does not exist, press [Insert] on your keyboard to add a new supplier.
    • Type in the supplier's stock code for the item. (Optional)
    • In Freight Charge, enter the amount that is charged for freight. (Optional)
    • In What is the current QOH?, type in the item's current quantity in stock.
    • In What is the largest QOH to have in stock?, type in the maximum quantity of this stock item. This amount will be used as the Desired Amount for stock reordering.
    • In Reorder this item when it's QOH gets down to, set an amount that will enable Retailer to reorder that stock item.
    • In Show a warning in Point of Sale when the QOH is equal to, set the quantity that will trigger Retailer to display a warning in the POS screen.
    • In Reorder Method, select the reorder method from the drop-down box. Click HERE to learn more about stock reordering.
    • Click Next.
  6. In the Enter Cost and Sell Prices screen:
    • Select the tax group of the stock item from the drop-down box.
    • Enter the Cost Inc. GST price. The GST Credit amount is automatically calculated.
    • Enter the Sell Inc. GST price. The GST Payable amount is automatically calculated.
    • Enter the Trade Inc. GST price, if applicable.
    • Enter the RRP (Recommended Retail Price) of the item.
    • Click Next.
  7. In the Enter Discounting and Label Settings screen:
    • The Should this item be allowed to be discounted? tick-box enables/disables discounts to be applied on the item.
    • The Print a label for this item when it is arrived? tick-box enables/disables a label to be sent to the Barcode Manager when it is arrived.
    • In Label Style, select the default label style for the stock item.
    • The This item requires a Serial Number when sold tick-box enables/disables serial numbers for stock items sold.
    • In Each item may have a companion note, you can type a phrase that then appears in the POS screen when the item is sold.
    • Click Next.
  8. In the Enter Newsagent Specific Settings screen (These options are specific to newsagency items only such as newspapers and magazines):
    • In Each issue is identified by, select how issues are to be described. Generally, magazines should be set to Text and newspapers to Date.
    • In This item's frequency is, select the frequency of which the item arrives. Click HERE to learn more about stock frequencies.
    • In This item has a return type of, select how the supplier expects the item to be returned.
    • Tick This is returned weekly if the supplier has a weekly return cycle.
    • In labels are to be printed for this item, print these types of labels, select the labels that will print for customer orders.
    • In Label quantity to print per issue, enter the number of labels that will print per customer order.
    • In Delivery type, select the delivery type for subagents from the drop-down box.
    • In This item arrives on a, select the day that the item arrives. This is also the delivery day for customer orders.
    • In Subagents receive this item on a, select the day that subagents get this item delivered to them.
    • In Subagent Discount, enter the discount that subagents will get when using the Stock Discount in their standing order.
    • Click Next or Finish.
  9. In the Enter Image and Extended Description Details screen (This screen only appears if you have Extra Details enabled. Click HERE to learn more):
    • In Extended Description, type in additional information about the stock item.
    • Tick This item requires a valuation certificate when sold if you want to print valuations for the stock item when it is sold. This option is only visible if you have the Valuations module enabled.
    • Click Load Image to add an image to the stock item.
    • In the drop-down box on the bottom-right, you can set up the item's classifications. Click HERE to learn more about classifications.
    • Click Finish.
You can press [F2] on your keyboard to skip through the remaining pages of the stock wizard. This can be useful if you do not need to change any settings in the last few screens.