Adding weight to Stock item
In Retailer, you can add a weight to each item, and this could primarily be done to help work out delivery considerations. This could be how much delivery fee to charge for different weights, and also safety information for deliverers and receivers of the product who will be handling the product.
This can be done individually in the Stock screen with these steps:
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on the Stock button, and then Stock screen (or Stock Maintenance -> Stock Screen in the top menu).
- Use the search button (magnifying glass) at the bottom of the screen to find the item to work on.
- Click into one of the columns (Stock Description, Barcode, Supplier Stock Code or PLU) and start typing the details of the item your are searching for.
Alternatively, you can use Advanced Search to find the item you are looking for - click HERE for more details. - Once you have located the item you are looking for, double-click it to open it in the Stock Screen. Alternatively, click it once to select it, then click OK.
- After selecting the item and back in the Stock screen, click the Other tab along the top.
In the box labelled 'Item Weight', enter the weight in numbers. You can also select the Unit of Measurement in the UOM box, which will display this in the POS screen and on receipts/invoices.

For more information on Unit of Measurement, click
- Click Save at the bottom of the screen.
The weight can be added to items in bulk using the Stock Manager. It is edited there, just like editing the description, or changing the department or category of the product.

For information on how to use Stock Manager, click
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