We have a video guide on adding categories in Retailer🎬 Adding Departments and Categories

Adding a Category

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Suppliers and Departments.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass button to locate the department you wish to create categories for.
  3. Click on the Categories tab.
  4. Click on Add to add a new category.
  5. Enter any necessary information for the category. If you aren't sure, you can always edit this information later.
  6. Click Finish.

Editing a Category

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, go to Stock -> Suppliers and Departments.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass button and double-click on the department that the category is in.
  3. Click on the Categories tab. 
  4. Click on the magnifying glass button and double-click on the category you wish to edit.
  5. Change the fields as required, then click on Save.
You can change the name of a category by clicking the tick button to the right-side of the name.
Most of the options you can change are described HERE. Note that Category settings take priority over Department settings.