🎬Quote and Invoice Management - Settings and Setup
Setup your Email Account by following this video guide
Email Setup
Report Mapping options for printing and emailing are per Terminal.
You can only see the correct available printers from the specific computers themselves. So be sure to go through each computer and check these settings from each one
From the main screen of Retailer go to Setup -> Point of Sale
Go to the Terminals tab and then, in the middle row of tabs, Report Mapping
From here, Quote and Invoice Management uses 5 different documents
1. Customer Quote
2. Proforma
3. Reserved Pickslip
4. Customer Invoice
5. Customer Pickslip
Each need a printer option and if you want to email any of them, then you need to add a second line for the following
1. Customer Quote
2. Proforma
3. Customer Invoice
So you should see 2 records for those Report types. One will have an actual printer and the second line should have "Email Customers Via Retailer" and ideally they both have the same Report Template (Inc Tax or Ex Tax) so that the printed and emailed versions are the same.
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