Quote and Invoice Management Setup

Quote and Invoice Management Setup

Changing Quote and Invoice Management Settings

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock Maintenance -> Quote and Invoice Management.
  2. Near the top left, click on Setup.
Default Delivery Date is # days from Created Date – Lets you set the default number of days between the creation date of the quote to the delivery date. (This can be manually changed on a quote-by-quote basis regardless of the default setting.)
Quote Expiry Date is # days from Created Date – Lets you set the default number of days between the creation date of the quote to the expiry date. (This can be manually changed on a quote-by-quote basis regardless of the default setting.)
Proforma Expiry Date is # days from Created Date – Lets you set the default number of days between the creation date of the quote to the expiry date. (This can be manually changed on a quote-by-quote basis regardless of the default setting.)
Show items on Invoice where QTY supplied = 0 – Lets you show or hide items from the quote that have a 0 supply Qty. They will show with a $0 charge.
Allow Unit Prices to be Edited – Allows you edit the sell price on quotes after they are created without having to edit the whole quote.
Enable Automatic Order Qty and Default Order Qty # - Lets you set a default quantity of stock items added to the quote.
Show Due Date on Invoices – Show the due date on an invoice once it is created.
Automatically Cancel Expired Quotes - Quotes will automatically be cancelled after the expiry date
Automatically Calculate Reserve Stock Values - If enabled Reserve Qty will be calculated based on the current Quantity on Hand when Reserving Stock for a Proforma.
Label Type - Choose the Barcode Style to use when queuing labels for Customer Orders
After making changes to the settings, click on Save.

Adding Terms and Conditions

Different Terms and Conditions can be set to appear on Quotes, Proformas and Invoices.
Click the button corresponding to the Terms and Conditions you wish to set. The Terms and Conditions Editor will open.
Enter the Terms and Conditions as you wish to display them on Quotes, Proformas or Invoices. Use the options at the top of the screen to change font size, colour and style.
Once finished, click Save & Exit

Other Settings

Always Set Quantity Supplied to Quantity Ordered

Setting to make the quantity supplied on quote/invoice equal to quantity ordered (not check the current quantity on hand)
  1. From the main screen of Retailer and click Setup at the top then click System.
  2. Click into the Customer tab.
  3. Tick the box marked Always set the QTY supplied to be equal to the QTY ordered regardless of QOH.
  4. Click Save at the bottom.

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