Quantity on Hand at Other Stores

Quantity on Hand at Other Stores

The following only applies if you have a Multi-Store Retailer Setup

You can use this screen to view quantity on hand levels between stores and request stock from another store.

You can access this screen multiple ways
  1. From the Stock Screen -> Reorder tab, click QOH At Other Stores
  2. From the Stock Enquiry (Alt + T) screen, click QOH At Other Stores

The grid will list the other locations, the cost price, sell price and quantity on hand of this product at those locations.
The Cost Price can be hidden if Setup -> Multi-Store -> Store Rules, Hide Cost Prices from Stock Enquiry Screen is ticked. See Settings for Multi Store

Request Stock from another store

Click the location and then the Request Stock button at the bottom.
Enter the Quantity to Request and Staff Initials. Click Save
The other store will receive a notification of a Store Order. They can allocate Stock to fill that order and create an Interstore Transfer. See Sending and receiving Stock between stores
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