The Repairs module in Retailer allows you to create and manage repair jobs, an essential component for bike shops and jewellers. Before we start using the feature, however, it is advisable to configure some default options to make the the process more seamless in the future. Once configured, these options will be readily available for selection instead of having to enter everything from scratch each time.

To access the Repairs Setup screen:

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click on Repairs
  2. Click on Setup, on the top-right

Within the Repairs Setup screen there are 5 tabs, each with its own set of options. Each tab is covered in its own section below.

Repair Options

Repair Options allows you to configure general settings for the Repairs module such as printing job cards, terms and conditions and deposits, for example.
Below are the various settings within Repair Options and their functions:
  • Job Card Setup
    • Select job cards to print out (For Repairer, Customer and/or Internal)
    • Select size of job card and which printer to print to
    • Fonts used on the job card
  • Customer Job Card Terms & Conditions
    • Terms and conditions that print on the Customer Job Card
  • Repair Options
    • Hide/Show cost prices
    • Creating and printing invoices when finalizing repairs
    • Fee descriptions on receipts/invoices
  • Calculating Expected Pickup Dates
    • Default date and time for expected pickups
  • Job Packets / A4 Job Cards / A5 Job Cards
    • Details to print on Job Cards
  • Repair Deposits
    • Force a deposit before repairs can be created
    • Set the minimum deposit amount


Within the Repairers tab, you can enter the name of your Repairers to simplify job allocations.
To add a Repairer:
  1. Click on Add Repairer
  2. Enter any necessary information
    • The selection for Internal Repairer or External Repairer will be used for certain reports
    • The Default Markup % is used to automatically calculate the labour component of Retail Price & Cost 
  3. Click on Save


This section allows you to create a Courier that you can specify when you create repair jobs.
To add a Courier:
  1. Click on Add Courier
  2. Enter any necessary information
  3. Click on Save

Repair Types

The Repair Types section allows you to create Repair Types that you can easily select while creating a repair. You can also set default instructions for the repair, repairers that perform the repair as well as the cost & retail prices for those repair types.
To add a Repair Type:
  1. Click on Add Repair Type
  2. Give the Repair Type a name as well as Default Instructions (optional)
  3. On the top-right, click on Click here to add a new repairer
  4. Select a Repairer from the drop-down box
  5. Enter in the prices as needed
  6. Tick on Default Repairer to automatically select that repairer each time this Repair Type is selected
  7. Click on Save

Item Type/Model

This section allows you to create an organized selection of items and their descriptions. This makes entering descriptions of repair items simpler and more standardised.
To add a new item:
  1. Click on Add Item Type
  2. Give the Item Type/Model a name as well as a Default Description (optional)
  3. Select the Additional Information templates (See below for steps to set it up).
  4. Once you've set it all up, click Save.

To set up Additional Information templates:

  1. Click on Setup Templates
  2. Click on Add
  3. Type in a template name and click on the [+] button
  4. Click on Save and Close

Now that a template is created, we need to configure the information.

  1. In the Repair Additional Information Templates screen, click on Setup
  2. On the left side, you can Add, Delete or Reposition the Classifications
  3. On the right side, you can Add, Delete or Reposition the Details within each classification
  4. Once that's been set up, click on Save and Close.
  5. Back in the Repair Additional Information Templates screen, simply tick the Classifications that you want to see for the item
  6. Click Save and Close
Now that repairs have been setup, click HERE for a guide to creating a repair job.
Click HERE for a guide to managing repairs.