After creating repair jobs, you can edit and manage them through the Repairs Screen including adding, changing and removing any part of the repair. This article will explain how to manage your repairs to make this aspect of your business flexible and efficient.

Searching For a Repair

The first step to managing Repairs is to search for the particular repair job at the top of the Repairs screen.
You can search in either one of the following ways:
  • If you know the Repair Barcode, enter it the the box to the right of Find By Repair Barcode
  • Click on Recent, which will provide a list of the most recent repairs that you can select from
  • Click on Find Repair to access the Find Repair Screen

The Find Repair Screen gives you a lot more options for finding a particular repair. You can search in the following ways:

  • Search by Repair IDStaff NameCustomer Name etc. by clicking on any one of them and typing keywords in the Search For box in the bottom-left corner
  • Filter the search results by the status of the repair eg. OutstandingCompleted and so on.
  • Filter the search results by the Expected Pickup dates

Item and Customer Details

The first screen you see after opening a repair gives you a snapshot of the repair and allows you to edit aspects such as the item, quote price and repair dates.
  • In the Repair Details section, you can change the Customer Name, who the repair was Received By, the Item Type/Model as well as its Additional Info and Item Description.
  • The Repairers section shows you the details of the Repairers and their Repair Jobs.
  • The Repair Dates section displays the Date Entered and allows you to change the Expected PickupCompleted Date and/or Collected Date.
  • The Repair Charge section displays the Quoted Amount and Actual Repair Total. You can also change the Quoted Amount and choose between using the Quoted Amount or the Actual Total.

Repairer Details

Within the Repairer Details tab, you can edit the repairers, their repair types, courier information as well as adding stock items that were used in the repair.
  1. Choose the Repairer by clicking Previous Repairer / Next Repairer or selecting the Repairer from the drop-down box.
  2. In the Repairer section, you can change the Repairer as well as the estimated and actual Repair completion times/dates
  3. In the Courier section, you can enter information about any courier service that you are using.
    NOTE: If a Cost is entered, it adds onto the Repair Total.
  4. In the Repair Instructions section, you can view, add or delete repair jobs for the selected Repairer. You can also add repair instructions.
    You can double click the repair type line (in the grid) to change the price of the repair type for this job. A new screen will appear for that type allowing you to retype the price.
  5. In the Existing Stock to be Used by This Repairer section, you can add items to the repair by scanning or pressing [Enter] to search for the item.
    NOTE: The retail price of the item is added to the Repair Total.
  6. The bottom section of the screen displays the totals for Stock Used and Repair Types.
  7. In the Repairer Charges section, the Quoted and Actual Totals are displayed. You can also switch between using the Quoted Amount or the Actual Amount.

Stock Used

The Stock Used tab displays stock that is being used in the repair as well as the total retail price. The items are colour-coded to indicate whether they are for internal repairs or external repairs.


This tab allows you to add photos of the repair items to keep a record of its condition before and/or after the repair. The process can be made even easier by having a webcam set up to save images automatically.
  1. Click on Load Image.
  2. Navigate to the location of your picture, select it and click Open.
  3. Give the image a name and a description. (Optional)
  4. For additional images, repeat steps 1-3. 
  5. When finished, click on Save.

Changing a Repair's Status

From any of the Repair Screens, you can change the status of the repair by selecting from a list of statuses on the top-right of the screen. Below are the statuses that can be chosen and their functions:
  • Quote Only - Providing the customer with a quote and have yet to receive the item
  • Outstanding - Item has been received and is waiting to be repaired
  • At Repairer - Item has been sent to the repairer
  • Completed - Item has been repaired and is waiting to be collected
  • Collected - Item has been paid off completely and collected by the customer