When creating a Repair, Retailer takes you through a Wizard to make the process simpler and more organized.

The process becomes even easier if the Repair Module is set up with default options as discussed HERE.

Repair Details

The first screen of the New Repair Wizard is where you would enter the general details of the repair.

  1. The Repair No is automatically incremented. Alternatively, you can enter in your own numbers.
  2. Select the Customer by pressing [Enter] or by clicking on the  button to add a new customer. If you need to change any details, click on the Cust Details button and make any necessary changes.
  3. Received By is the staff member who is receiving the Repair.
  4. Enter the Date Entered and Expected Pickup date and time.
  5. If you need to create a Quote, enter an amount in Customer Quote and tick Quote Only.
  6. Under Quick Repair Instructions, type in (if any) any instructions specific to that repair.
  7. Click Next.

Item Type/Model

In this screen, you can add details about the item being repaired such as the type of item, the model and/or it's condition.

  1. Select the Item Type/Model in the drop-down box. If required, you can click on the Add/Edit Item Types to set more items up.
  2. Enter in any Additional Info. These can also be set up by clicking on Add/Edit Item Types.
  3. Type in any extra information about the item in Item Description.
  4. Click Next.

Repair Job Types

This screen allows you to select the types of repairs that will take place for this particular repair job. 

  1. On the left side, choose the Repair Type and click Add (Alternatively, you can double-click on it). If you need to add or edit the Repair Type, click on the Add/Edit Repair Type button.
  2. On the right side, you can change the Repair Type or Repairer by selecting them and choosing the correct one from the drop-down list.
  3. If you need to remove a Repair Type, select the Repair Type on the right and click on Delete.

Repair Job Order

This is the final screen for the Wizard in which you are able to make final changes to the Repair Job such as the order in which repairs should be completed, the labour charge as well as repair instructions.
  1. To change the order of repairs, select a Repair Type and click on the up or down buttons.
  2. You can also change the Repair TypeRepairer Name and Retail by clicking on the field and changing it.
  3. The default Repair Instructions will appear and you can make any necessary changes to it, if needed.
  4. Click Finish.

Printing Job Cards

The last step to creating a Repair is to print out Job Cards for the repairer, the customer and/or the shop. 

  1. From the main Repairs Screen, click on Print Job Cards on the bottom-right.
  2. The Repairs Report screen appears.
  3. In Job Card Setup:
    • Select the Job Cards to print
    • Select the size of Job Cards within Job Card Style
    • Select the printer from which to print Job Cards in Job Card Destination
    • Leave Terminal Code as is unless you are in a Multi-Store environment
    • Tick or untick Merge Multiple Repairs for the Same Customer on to One Customer Job Card
      NOTE: Only repairs created on the same day as the current one will be merged
  4. In Customer Card Special Instructions or Recommendations, you can type a message that only appears on the Customer's Job Card.
  5. In Repairer Special Instructions, you can type a message that only appears on the Repairer's Job Card.
  6. Click on Preview to view a example of the Job Card(s) or Print to print the Job Cards out directly.