The Manufactured Goods module in Retailer allows you to combine multiple stock items into a single stock item. These multiple items can be different types of items. This can be useful for creating jewellery items, gift hampers and gift baskets.
Creating a Manufactured Goods Stock Item
We have a video guide on how to create manufactured goods in Retailer - 🎬 Manufactured Goods
- On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon to access the Find Stock Screen.
- Select the particular stock item to be used as a manufactured good. If the stock item does not exist yet, click Add to create it. Click HERE for more information about creating stock items.
- Back in the Stock Screen, click on the MFG button on the right.
- Click Yes to confirm making this item a manufactured good.
- To add component items that make up the manufactured good:
- In Scan Barcode, scan or enter the barcode of a component item.
- In Qty Required, enter the quantity of the component item.
- Press [Enter] or [Tab].
- Repeat with other items as required.
- In Calculate Sell Price Method, select one of the options:
- Use Calculated Sell - The Accumulated Sell Price of each MFG component (Qty x Sell Price)
- Calculated Cost +/- % or $ - The Accumulated Cost Price of each MFG component (Qty x Cost Price) plus or minus a set percentage or dollar amount
- Calculated Retail +/- % or $ - The Accumulated Sell Price of each MFG component (Qty x Sell Price) plus or minus a set percentage or dollar amount
- If Calculate Cost or Calculate Retail is selected, enter the desired value.
- Click Recalculate Sell. The Sell Inc. GST box will be updated with the new price.
- Use Calculated Sell - The Accumulated Sell Price of each MFG component (Qty x Sell Price)
- In the Auto Recalculate Sell Price Method select one of the options:Depending on what is selected, the sell price will be recalculated when any component Cost or Sell Price is updated.
- Auto Recalculate when Sell Price of any component changes
(If Calculated Sell Price Method is set to Cost then it will be Cost and not Sell) - Auto Recalculate when either Cost or Sell Price of any component changes
- Never Auto Recalculate
- Auto Recalculate when Sell Price of any component changes
- In Make Method select one of the options:
- Always Auto Make - Will make the MFG item whenever it is sold
- Only Auto Make when QOH is less than 0 - Will make the MFG item when it is sold only if the QOH of the MFG item is 0 or less
- Never Auto Make
- Click Save.
- Click Make Item.
- Enter the desired quantity on hand of the manufactured good and click Process.
- The next screen indicates how the quantity on hand of each item will be affected. Click Yes to confirm.
- Click Close.
If you intend to manually manage the creation of manufactured goods, make sure that Make Method is set to Never Auto Make.
Increasing Manufactured Goods Stock Items
This increases the manufactured goods stock item's quantity by the specified amount and reduces the component stock items' quantities accordingly.
- On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon and select the manufactured goods stock item from the Find Stock Screen.
- Back in the Stock Screen, click on the MFG button on the right.
- Click on Make Item.
- Enter the quantity to increase by.
- Click Yes to confirm the quantity change.
Reducing Manufactured Goods Stock Items
This reduces the manufactured goods stock item's quantity by the specified amount and increases the component stock items' quantities accordingly.
- On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon and select the manufactured goods stock item from the Find Stock Screen.
- Back in the Stock Screen, click on the MFG button on the right.
- Click on Undo Item.
- Enter the quantity to reduce by.
- Click Yes to confirm the quantity change.
Adding/Removing Component Items
You can add or remove items from an existing manufactured goods item at any time.
- On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon and select the manufactured goods stock item from the Find Stock Screen.
- Back in the Stock Screen, click on the MFG button on the right.
- To add additional component items that make up the manufactured good:
- In Scan Barcode, scan or enter the barcode of a component item.
- In Qty Required, enter the quantity of the component item.
- Press [Enter] or [Tab].
- Click Yes to confirm adding the component.
- Choose between reducing the component's QOH immediately or only when more manufactured goods stock items are made.
- Repeat with other items as required.
- To remove component items from the manufactured good:
- Select the particular component item from the list.
- Press [Delete] on your keyboard.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
- Click Yes to recalculate the Retail Price. Click Yes again to confirm.
- Repeat with other items as required.
Deleting a Manufactured Goods Stock Item
- On the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Stock Screen.
- Click on the magnifying glass icon and select the manufactured goods stock item from the Find Stock Screen.
- Back in the Stock Screen, click on the MFG button on the right.
- Click on the Delete button.
- Click Yes to delete both the manufactured good and the component items or click No to delete only the component items.
Refunding a Manufactured Goods Stock Item
Click HERE for information on how to refund a sale.
Once Refunded the manufactured goods stock item , the QOH of the item will increase. If you want to undo the item to be resold as the components then you will have to do it after the refund is done.