We have a video guide on setting up and doing refunds in Retailer - 🎬 Point Of Sale - Refunds, No Sales, Previous Sales
Using the Previous Sales Screen or a Receipt
You can refund a sale from Retailer through the Point of Sale screen by scanning the sale receipt barcode, or finding it through the Previous Sales screen.
- In the Point of Sale screen, click on the Previous Sales button or press [F3] on the keyboard and search for the particular sale. Alternatively, scan/enter the barcode at the bottom of the receipt into the Sale Stamp search box.
- Click on the Refund button.
- This will load the sale into the Point of Sale screen. Note the negative total.
- To refund the entire sale, press End Sale. Otherwise, delete the items not being refunded from the sale before pressing End Sale.
- You will be prompted to enter a reason for the refund. Select it from the drop-down box or click on Others and type one in.
- Select the payment type to refund to and click OK to tender it.
Click HERE for more information about reasons for refunds. - The receipt will then show the refund.

Reasons can be turned off in Setup -> System -> General. Untick Refunds Require Reason.

If you try to refund the same sale again Retailer will only refund the items not previously refunded. Retailer will not let you refund a sale that has already been completely refunded. The same goes for invoice credits.
Using a Negative Quantity
- From the Point of Sale screen, either:
- Press the negative [-] key on your keyboard followed by the quantity being refunded (eg. -2) and press [Enter] OR
- Press the QTY button on the screen. Then press on the negative [-] button followed by the quantity being refunded and press OK.
- Scan the stock item being refunded.
- Press Sub Total / End Sale.
- You will be prompted to enter a reason for the refund. Select it from the drop-down box or click on Others and type one in.
Click HERE for more information about reasons for refunds. - Select the payment type to refund to and click OK to tender it.
Refunding as Store Credit / Item Exchange
- Once the refund items are in the Point of Sales grid, press your Gift Voucher button ([CTRL+G]) or scan in the items being exchanged.
- If using a Gift Voucher, enter in the value of the Gift Voucher equivalent to how much the refund value is.
- If the item being exchanged is of a lesser value than the refund, apply a Gift Voucher for the remaining amount.
- Press Sub Total / End Sale to complete the transaction.
- Select the refund reason and click OK.
- On the Payment Details screen, the Change Due should show $0.00. Click OK to finalise the sale. A Gift Voucher receipt will be printed out along with the refund receipt if one was applied.