Managing Customer Identification

Managing Customer Identification

Retailer allows you to record identification information for customers on their account, to assist in any transactions that may require ID checks. This could be particularly relevant for businesses that sell tobacco products and alcohol (age check), and businesses that deal with buying and selling secondhand goods.

These IDs can be managed through the Customer screen:
  1. First, from the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers or the menu Customers -> Customer screen.
  2. Click on the magnifying glass and search for the customer account.

    For information on changing the search screen, click HERE.

  3. After selecting the account and clicking OK , click into the ID tab near the bottom left (if the customer menu opens, just close it).
  4. Any previously added identification can be seen in the list. Click on Select / Add / Edit / Delete to manage the identifications.
  5. In the screen that appears, simply select the identification you wish to change and click Add, Edit or Delete.
    1. Add
      When adding a new identification, another screen will appear. Enter the relevant details to be recorded.
      When selecting the ID type, the menu will list the most common ID types along with their characteristics (e.g. address shown, photo shown). This will automatically fill in some of the other parts of the form.
      Click Save once you have entered the required details.
    2. Edit
      When editing the selected identification, the same screen (as mentioned above) will appear, and you can change any of the details to make corrections/updates.
      Click Save once done.
    3. Delete
      The selected identification will be deleted. All records of this ID will be removed - this is not reversible, so be careful.
Any identifications saved to the account will be available for selection when processing Secondhand Goods.
Click HERE for more information on how to use Secondhand Goods.

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