The Second-Hand Goods feature in Retailer allows you to purchase second-hand products, add them to your stock and then sell them on.

To use the feature, first go to the Second-Hand Goods screen. 
From the main screen of Retailer go to Tasks > Second-Hand Goods. If you do not have the option for Second-Hand Goods, please contact Tower Support.


Some setup may need to be done before starting Second-Hand Goods contracts. The settings here relate to the types of ID checks that can be used with the contract, and the storage locations (if stored off-site) for the items.
At the top of the Second-Hand Goods screen, click on Setup on the right.
There will be two tabs shown - Identification Types, and Miscellaneous.
  1. Under Identification Types, you can add, edit or delete different IDs that can be used for verification. Each ID can have different information associated, like Date of Birth, Address, Signature and Photo, and whether it is Government issued. Tick the relevant information that each ID type will have.
  2. Under Miscellaneous, you can enter your Dealer number, and the branch of this store (if there are multiple store locations).
    In the grid for Storage Locations, you can add, edit or delete different locations that could be used off-site to store the second-hand goods. The address, name and phone number for each location can be recorded.

Adding Second-Hand Goods

  1. Click on Add Contract.
  2. Within Contract Details:
    • In Received By, select the correct staff member.
    • In Item Acquired, select if it was acquired on or off site and specify the date.
    • In Customer Number, enter the customer number or click on the icon to select a customer from the list.
    • Tick Customer owns goods if it belongs to the customer. If not, untick the option and select the actual owner from the list.
      If the owner is not listed, click on Add. Enter the necessary information and click Save. Make sure that this customer is selected in the list then click OK.
    • If the goods are coming from overseas, enter a reference number in Customs Ref.
  3. In ID Type, click Select and choose the ID Type from the list.
    If the intended ID Type is not visible, click Add.
    • Fill out the information as required under Identification Details.
    • Ensure the ID Contents match the actual ID item.
    • Click on Save.
    • Select the ID type and click OK.
  4. In Stock Items, click on Add item.
    • Select the stock item from the list or click Add to create a new item.
    • Enter an much information as possible including a classification on the right if applicable. 
      Note: For more on Classifications see the article Stock Classifications
    • Click on Save.
  5. Click on Save. This will finalise the contract and prevent any further changes.
  6. Click on Reports.
  7. Select Second-Hand Customer Owner Declaration Form then Preview or Print. Once printed, click Close.
  8. Click on Payments and you will be taken the the Point of Sale screen to process the sale.
  9. Click on End Sale

Voiding/Cancelling Second-hand Contract

It may be necessary to cancel or void the second-hand goods contract for various reasons e.g. customer failed one of the checks.
To do so:
  1. Click on Find Contract at the top, and search for the contract, if you are not seeing the contract you're working on.
  2. Click on Void Contract at the bottom.
  3. Enter the date for voiding, and select a reason from the drop-down box to the right.
  4. The status of this contract will then show it is Voided at the top.

Creating Police File

  1. Click on Find Contract at the top, and search for the contract, if you are not seeing the contract you're working on.
  2. Click on Police File.
  3. In Export By, select either Contact Number or Date Range.
  4. In Export Folder, choose where the file will be saved by clicking on the yellow folder icon and navigating to the intended location.
  5. Click on Create the Police File.
  6. The file will be saved in the specified location and can then be uploaded to your state's police website.


The Second-Hand Goods have a number of reports that can be printed with various information on the items and contracts.
Go to the Second-Hand Goods screen if it's not already open.
Click on Reports at the bottom. You will see a list of different available reports and their options.
Select the desired report, and enter the options in the Report Criteria section beneath. The options will be different per report.
  1. Second-Hand Customer Owner Declaration Form
    This is a statement form that the owner should sign to declare ownership of the item in the contract. The report criteria options just allow you to select the second-hand contract to print this for.
  2. Second-Hand Goods Purchased
    This reports on the SHG that the store has purchased, giving details of the customer it was purchased from as well as transaction information like the date and time, and staff member who handled it.
    The report criteria options allow you to select a date range of contracts to check, or print the report for a particular contract. 
  3. Second-Hand Goods Sold
    This reports on the SHG that has been sold to a new customer after it was originally purchased from another customer. It contains details of the customer as well as transaction information like the date, time and staff member who handled it.
    The report criteria options allow you to select a date range of contracts to check, or print the report for a particular contract.
  4. Voided Contracts
    This reports on the SHG contracts that were voided or cancelled. It contains details of the customer it was purchased from as well as transaction information like the date and time, and staff member who handled it.
    The report criteria options allow you to select a date range of contracts to check, or print the report for a particular contract.
  5. Organisation Details
    This report shows the organisations that owned the second-hand goods, if a customer account was not used for ownership of the item.
    The report criteria option allows a particular customer to be selected, or for all customers to be selected (the report will show details of the organisations, if any, own the items that the customer sold in each contract).
  6. Customer Identification Types
    This report shows what ID types (and their details) were used in the SHG contracts for each customer that sold to the store.
    The report criteria option allows a particular customer to be selected, or for all customers to be selected in the report.
  7. Location of goods not stored at principal location
    This report shows the details of the off-site location (non principal location).
    The report criteria option let's you select a particular location to report on, or all locations that were entered into the system. Locations are managed in the Setup section at the top.