Before a department or category can be deleted, all stock items linked to that department or category must be moved. This can be done in bulk via group department change. Alternatively, you can use the stock manager to generate a list of stock in a department or category and move that stock manually.

Click HERE to learn about the group department change utility.

Click HERE to learn about the stock manager.
Deleting a Category
- Click on Stock -> Suppliers and Departments from the main screen of Retailer.
- Search for the department of the category you want to delete by clicking on the search icon and double-clicking on the department name.
- Click the Categories tab, then search for the category that you want to delete by clicking on the search icon and double-clicking on the category name.
- Click on the Delete button.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Deleting a Department
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Stock -> Suppliers and Departments.
- Search for the department that you want to delete by clicking on the search icon and double-clicking on the department name.
- Remove the barcode, if one exists.
- Click on Delete.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion.