Always perform a backup before making changes in the Stock Manager
Often you will find that you wish to change a certain group of stock from one department/category to another department/category. There is a feature in Retailer designed to do this called Stock Manager.
- On the top menu bar, click on Stock Maintenance -> Stock Manager.
First you must select which items to alter. These items are selected using the advanced stock search feature. To select the items to alter:
- If the Stock Manager grid contains stock items, click on Remove -> Remove All on the top of the Stock Manager screen. This will clear the grid and ensure that unwanted items are not included in the search.
- You can select (tick) specific items to work on, and filter the list on the screen. For more information on how to filter, click HERE.
- Click on Search.
- In the Advanced Stock Search screen, select the department/category you wish to swap using the department/category option on the advanced stock search screen
- Click Search. The Stock Manager grid will now display all stock items based on the search criteria.
Now that you have a list of items to edit, you must select them all and edit them. To do this:
- Click on Select -> Select All on the top of the Stock Manager screen.
- Click Edit Selected on the top of the Stock Manager screen.
- On the right-hand side of the Stock Manager screen, there are department and category options. Click the drop-down arrow next to the department/category option you wish to change and select the appropriate department/category.