This utility allows stock items from a particular department and/or category to be changed to another department and/or category.

Moving Stock between Departments

  1. From the main screen of Retailer, click Utilities -> Department Utilities -> Group Department Change.
  2. Select the department which contains the items you wish to move. You can optionally select a category as well.
  3. Click Display Stock from this Dept.
  4. To assign a department for a particular item, click on the blank cell in the Select Department Name column for the appropriate stock item, and choose the correct department. You can also create a new department by pressing the [Insert] key on your keyboard.
  5. To assign a category for a particular item, click on the blank cell in the Select Category Name column for the appropriate stock item, and choose the correct department. You can also create a new category by pressing the [Insert] key on your keyboard.
  6. Click Save Changes when finished.

Extra Tips

  • To give other individual items the same department and category as the last one you chose, simply click on the barcode of the subsequent items.
  • To change every item to the same department and/or category, set one item to the required department/category and click on the Set all stock items with the current Department/Category button.
  • The Find Redundant Dept/Cat button searches your data for empty departments and/or categories and gives you the option to delete them.