Before Deleting a Customer
- The customer must have a $0.00 balance

Click HERE for instructions on how to use Balance Adjustments to zero out a customer's balance.
- A deleted customer CANNOT be recovered.
To Delete a Customer
- From the main screen of Retailer, click on Customers -> Customer Screen.
- Locate the customer you wish to delete by clicking on the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen and searching for the correct customer.
- Click on the Delete button at the bottom of the customer screen.
- Click Yes to confirm deletion.
If the customer is displaying a zero balance and you are still unable to delete them, there may be some fractions of cents preventing you from doing so.
To get around this, do the following:
- In the Customer Screen, click Menu and select Balance Adjustment.
- Set the amount to be 0.01 and enter your initials.
- Click Save.
- Click Menu again and select Customer Payment.
- Select Pay Amount Owing and click OK.
- Process the customer payment using CASH.
- You can now delete the customer by following the first 4 steps in this article.

Click HERE for more information about using the Archiver to bulk delete old customers.