For dates of when the GNS Back to School Promotion 2025 Catalogue runs, refer to GNS.

Save the Catalogue File

  1. Download the attached file.

Import the Catalogue File

  1. On the top menu bar of Retailer, click on Utilities -> Import/Export Files -> Import Catalogue Files.
  2. In Catalogue Name, press the [Insert] button to access the Catalogue Setup screen.

    • Enter the details of the catalogue as required.
    • Click Save.
  3. Back in the Import Officesmart/GNS Disk screen:
    • In Supplier, select your Officesmart supplier from the drop-down box. If you haven't set one up yet, click the [Insert] button to create a new supplier. Click HERE for further information on creating a new supplier.
    • In Initial Department, select your stationery department from the drop-down box. If you haven't set one up yet, click the [Insert] button to create a new department. Click HERE for further information on creating a new department.
    • In Initial Category, select a category from the drop-down box for the items to import into. If you haven't set one up yet, click the [Insert] button to create a new category. Click HERE for further information on creating a new category.
    • Tick Use Pick-Up Price if you pick up your stock from the warehouse. Otherwise, untick it if you have the stock delivered to your store.
    • Tick Prompt For Price Changes if you want to be alerted if the Cost/Retail Price from the file differs from that in your system. Otherwise, untick it if you want to use all the prices from catalogue file.
    • Tick Check Barcode Are Valid.
    • Tick File Contains Header Descriptions.
  4. Click Import.
    • Click on Desktop on the left (or search for the file).
    • Scroll down to locate the GNS Back to School Catalogue 2025.csv file.
    • Click on it and press Open.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the import.
  6. If the following screen appears, click Cancel. This will add the item, which has the same description and supplier stock code, but a new barcode.